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Artikel-artikel mengenai Group dynamics

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You might make a quick and exaggerated judgment about what kind of neighborhood you’re in based on the people or flags you see. David Levingstone/DigitalVision via Getty Images

People overestimate groups they find threatening – when ‘sizing up’ others, bias sneaks in

Social psychology researchers found that people commonly exaggerate the presence of certain groups – including ethnic and sexual minorities – because they perceive them as ideologically threatening.
A researcher in a spacesuit on “Mars” outside the Mars Society Desert Research Station in Utah. David Howells/Corbis Historical via Getty Images

Coronavirus quarantine could provide lessons for future space travel on how regular people weather isolation

Understanding isolation’s effects on regular people, rather than those certified to have ‘the right stuff,’ will help prepare us for the future, whether another pandemic or interplanetary space travel.
People high on psychopathic personality traits, such as fearlessness and impulsiveness, often refuse to find common ground. from

Why too many fearless people on a team make collaboration less likely

Some people are better team players than others, but people with goal-oriented and manipulative personality traits can undermine collaborative efforts and affect the team outcome.

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