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Health—Analisis dan Komentar

The health impact of wildfire exposure depends in part on the fire itself and how much smoke a person breathes in, how often and for how long. AP Photos/Noah Berger

What’s in wildfire smoke, and why is it so bad for your lungs?

Wildfires blanketing several Western cities are creating hazardous health conditions. Don’t count on cloth masks to protect your lungs.
New research found a significantly higher risk of preterm births near gas flaring in Texas, particularly among Latinas. Spencer Platt/Getty Images

The risk of preterm birth rises near gas flaring, reflecting deep-rooted environmental injustices in rural America

A study shows that low-income communities and communities of color are bearing the brunt of the energy industry’s pollution in the region. The risks also extend to the unborn.
The arrival of flu season will put more pressure on hospitals already facing the coronavirus pandemic. Jeffrey Basinger/Newsday via Getty Images

What happens when COVID-19 and influenza collide? Can hospitals handle the strain?

Pandemic policy experts offer 10 recommendations that could reduce the risk that a bad flu season on top of the COVID-19 pandemic will overwhelm hospitals.
Students and parents at California’s Hollywood High School go through temperature checks before picking up laptops for online learning. Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images

Kids are bigger coronavirus spreaders than many doctors realized – here’s how schools can lower the risk

Checking for symptoms is just the beginning. Here are 10 ways schools can help keep children, families and faculty safe.
Black and Latino essential workers are more likely to experience food, child care and housing insecurities than their white co-workers, in addition to safety concerns. Jumping Rocks/Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Black and Latino essential workers experience greater safety concerns than their white counterparts

Stress and physical conditions make essential work unsafe, especially for Black and Latino employees.
In healthy older people, loneliness has a pattern of stress response similar to that of people who are under chronic stress. Justin Paget via Getty Images

The loneliness of social isolation can affect your brain and raise dementia risk in older adults

The social isolation older adults are experiencing as they try to stay safe from the coronavirus pandemic is raising new mental health risks, but people can take steps to protect themselves.