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Artikel-artikel mengenai IQ

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Higher levels of EI have been linked with ethical behaviour - but it also takes some degree of interpersonal skill to manipulate others. Image sourced from

EQ versus IQ: what’s the perfect management mix?

It’s assumed good managers are intelligent, but do they also need emotional intelligence? And if that’s missing, can they learn?
Who does well in a house like this? Children with house via Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

Where a child lives is not the best way to predict their grades

Whether a child’s family is well-off or struggling for money has long been linked with their success at school. The gap between parents’ income and their children’s achievement is evident in kindergarten…
You can do better. Answer sheet via Wichy/Shutterstock

Ignore the IQ test: your level of intelligence is not fixed for life

We’re getting more stupid. That’s one point made in a recent article in the New Scientist, reporting on a gradual decline in IQs in developed countries such as the UK, Australia and the Netherlands. Such…
Time to unlock intelligence potential.

Genetic screening to enhance IQ should be embraced

There could be a way of predicting – and preventing – which children will go on to have low intelligence, according to the findings of a study researchers at Cardiff University presented on Monday. They…
New research shows breastfeeding leads to improved language receptiveness at age three. Tom & Katrien/Flickr

Breastfeeding improves IQ – now have we got your attention?

Research published in JAMA Pediatrics this week shows a causal relationship between breastfeeding and higher IQ by the time a child is seven years old. Put simply, longer breastfeeding appears to make…
What matters more when it comes to intelligence: nature or nurture? Brain image from

Are genes really the reason more poor kids do badly at school?

A news report recently informed readers that the reason children from poorer backgrounds struggle is due to genetic “inherited abilities”. According to the article, a new Productivity Commission report…
Children should be taught to play music themselves rather than just listening to it. Naruco

Monday’s medical myth: play Mozart to boost your baby’s IQ

What parent can pass up the chance to boost their child’s intelligence by putting on some nice classical music? The popular idea that IQ scores can be raised by listening to Mozart is a case study in how…

IQ can change in teen years

IQ can rise or fall in adolescent years, according to a new study. Until now it has been assumed that intellectual capability…

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