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Artikel-artikel mengenai Landcare

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Tony Abbott launched the Green Army program, and remains a big fan. AAP Image/Britta Campion

Why give the Green Army its marching orders?

The possible axing of the Green Army, which aimed to put thousands to work tending conservation projects, leaves many questions unanswered - the biggest being the reason for the sudden retreat.
Phillip Toyne lobbied for the transfer of Uluru National Park back to its traditional owners. nosha/Flickr

Phillip Toyne cared for land-carers, black and white

Phillip Toyne, a co-founder of the national landcare program, died on Saturday morning after a long illness with cancer, leaving an indelible legacy of influence and achievement.
It’s hard to argue against encouraging local community-based environmental action. Feral Arts/Flickr

Is the Coalition’s Green Army good news for Landcare?

Barely noticed behind pre-election debate over the climate policies of the major parties sits a proposal by the Liberal-National Coalition to make important changes to Australia’s natural resource management…
Landcare get-together: reducing our toll on nature comes in part from many of us taking steps that individually are not always so big, but which accumulate. The carbon tax is one such step. Flickr/feral arts

Little by little: the benefits of Australian climate policy

A catchment threatened by salinity can’t be repaired by one or two landholders. Revegetation designed to lower watertables has its greatest ecological benefit where the plants are, but its net impact on…

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