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Artikel-artikel mengenai Malcolm Turnbull

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Protesters were back on the streets demanding penalty rates be left alone when the Coalition government asked the Productivity Commission to look at workplace relations last year. AAP/Angus Livingston

The penalty rates time-bomb is ticking

Cutting penalty rates can be a vote-changer and the looming Fair Work Commission decision is tricky for both sides of politics. So what cards do the parties hold and how might they play them?
In the Sunday debate, Malcolm Turnbull assumed a loftier pitch while Bill Shorten aimed more directly at ordinary people. Tracey Nearmy/AAP

Both leaders failed to engage properly with the occasion or the public

Sunday night’s leaders debate was a disappointment. Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten were over-rehearsed; the content was old ground; the spontaneity was minimal. When a question was too hard they simply…
Who took the points in the first leaders’ debate of the 2016 campaign? AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Turnbull and Shorten face off in leaders’ debate: experts respond

The Conversation’s experts respond to the first Turnbull-Shorten debate with an eye across key policy areas and the leaders’ performances.
Malcolm Turnbull receives a lick during a visit to the Port of Eden on the NSW south coast on Monday. Lukas Coch/AAP

The Liberals may have miscalculated Turnbull’s electoral appeal

Finally, Clive Palmer has formally put a full stop to his personal political career, announcing on Monday he won’t be running for the Senate. Palmer United Party (PUP) will still field Senate candidates…
Malcolm Turnbull tours Josef Chromy wines in the seat of Bass in Launceston on Friday. Lukas Coch/AAP

Coalition clings to small lead in latest Ipsos poll

The start of the election campaign has not shifted the two-party vote, with the Coalition continuing to lead Labor 51-49% in the Fairfax Ipsos poll published on Saturday.
AFP commissioner Andrew Colvin said the government was only informed when raids relating to leaks about the NBN had started. AAP/Mick Tsikas

AFP commissioner Colvin defends timing of raids on Labor

AFP commissioner Andrew Colvin has defended police raids at the Melbourne office of Labor’s deputy Senate leader Stephen Conroy and the home of an ALP staffer.
In some quarters Peter Dutton’s outburst, which was quickly challenged on points of fact, will resonate politically. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Peter Dutton: a menace to multicultural Australia

If Malcolm Turnbull is returned he should tip Peter Dutton out of the immigration portfolio when he chooses his new ministry. Dutton’s Tuesday comments, when targeting the Greens proposal for a big increase…
Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten showed they differ on a number of policy positions, but both kept the tone of the debate civil and free from “gotcha"s and gaffes. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Leaders’ debate highlights real differences on policy, but a unity ticket on civility

Sky TV’s people’s forum on the evening of last Friday gave us something refreshingly different from recent federal election campaigns: a civil discourse between the two main political leaders. Perhaps…

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