For years Turnbull had to endure the sniping of Abbott, the man he brought down. Now Turnbull is the sniper at the window, though Morrison didn’t cause his fall (unless you buy the conspiracy
The trouncing in Wentworth will re-open fractures in the government, threatening more damaging in-fighting between the party’s conservatives and moderates.
It’s increasingly obvious that as prime minister Morrison will do whatever he thinks it takes – and plumb some dubious depths – to serve his immediate purposes.
Peter Fray, University of Technology Sydney dan Derek Wilding, University of Technology Sydney
The ABC Act clearly states the board is duty-bound to ‘maintain the independence and integrity’ of the broadcaster. Milne’s actions appear to have compromised both values.
Media moguls’ alleged involvement in bringing an end to Malcolm Turnbull’s prime ministership raises serious questions about their influence, and media accountability.
Australians have never liked sitting PMs being deposed by their own parties - but the outrage over Malcolm Turnbull’s destruction is the greatest in modern history.
Their longest serving leader built the modern Liberal Party after its predecessor collapsed in 1941– but it took him eight years and defeat in two elections.
The new deputy is the Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg, 47, from Victoria, who won overwhelmingly, from fellow Victorian Greg Hunt and Queenslander Steve Ciobo.
Whether we end up with Prime Minister Turnbull, Dutton, Morrison or Bishop – it will not be sweetness and light among those who find themselves at the “out-group” when the dust begins to settle.
The Liberals who want to tear down Malcolm Turnbull claim they are in a battle for the heart and soul of the party - but where is this heart and soul, and how strong is it?