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Artikel-artikel mengenai Memory

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Research shows that our memories are not direct representations of past occurrences. Flickr/kharied

The instability of memory: how your brain edits your recollections

Memory is an essential part of our existence. Who we are, what we know and what we think can all be derived from our ability to remember. How reliable, though, are our memories? A study, published in the…
No one has a perfect memory. alinassiri

People who don’t forget can still be tricked with false memories

“Time is the thief of memory,” wrote Stephen King in one of his many books. For some people, however, that is not true. They are gifted with what scientists call highly superior autobiographical memory…

Snoozing improves waking memory

Sleep helps lock in visual learning, according to new research from Brown University. The study observed the brain activity…
The researchers found a non-invasive way to selectively impair memories.

Rewriting memories with red herrings

Certain types of long term memories can be “rewritten” without drugs or surgery, according to a new study that experts say offers hope for sufferers of post traumatic stress disorder. The study, conducted…
Our brains are reorganising even when we don’t physically mimic movements. conmike12

We watch and learn the moves – even when we’re immobile

It may seem somewhat intuitive, but learning through observation is one of the most potent ways humans learn a new skill. We see someone moving in a certain way and we copy it. But what happens when the…

Caffeine gives bees the buzz too

Honeybees may have an advantage over other pollinators – caffeine improves performance. The findings, from Newcastle University…
Are there things you’d rather not remember? Megyarsh

Going, going, gone: the where and why of memory erasure

If you could erase your memories, which ones would you choose? As a neuroscientist, one of my raisons d’etre is to achieve, in a way, some form of memory erasure, especially for individuals that suffer…

Don’t forget Facebook

Chatty updates on Facebook are easier to remember than carefully-worded sentences. Researchers from the University of Warwick…
“Wait a minute. I’ve been here before …” PhotoJonny/Flickr

Explainer: what is déjà vu and why does it happen?

Have you ever experienced a sudden feeling of familiarity while in a completely new place? Or the feeling you’ve had the exact same conversation with someone before? This feeling of familiarity is, of…

Synchronised brain waves hold visual memory

The brain encodes short-term visual memory with in-sync electrical neural oscillations. Neuroscientists have observed how…

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