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Artikel-artikel mengenai Meteorites

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 72 artikel

How close can a potentially dangerous asteroid get before it’s detected? Shutterstock/Alexyz3d

Why dangerous asteroids heading to Earth are so hard to detect

We’re finding more near-Earth objects all the time, and the challenge is to identify those that could potentially hit us. So how come we missed one that caused a huge blast in December?
Comet 46P/Wirtanen captured on November 15 this year using the remote iTelescope (Siding Springs Observatory, Australia). Flickr/Victor R Ruiz

We have a Christmas comet: how to spot 2018’s interplanetary bauble

The comet 46P/Wirtanen is just 1.2km in size but it should be visible in the night sky this Saturday as it makes a close approach to Earth this year. And don’t forget the Geminids meteor shower.
Scientists working at the central peak of Gosses Bluff meteorite crater in Northern Territory. Nick Timms

How rare minerals form when meteorites slam into Earth

A meteorite hitting Earth at many kilometres per second puts ‘ground zero’ target rocks under immense pressure. A shock wave faster than the speed of sound can result – and new materials created.
Melissa Little (right) and Minoru Takasato (centre) from the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute won the 2016 UNSW Eureka Prize for Scientific Research for work on growing kidney tissue from stem cells. MCRI

The 2016 Eureka Prizes showcase the best in Australian science

The pioneers of Australian scientific research, education and communication have been recognised in the 2016 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes.
The village of Agoudal in Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains is home to a rare treasure. Mohamed Aoudjehane

What a Moroccan crater reveals about a rare double whammy from the skies

High in the mountains of Morocco, scientists have discovered something remarkable and rare: a spot that was struck by two meteorites, possibly millions of years apart.

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