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Artikel-artikel mengenai Online privacy

Menampilkan 81 - 100 dari 264 artikel

Most people don’t know what they’re agreeing to. Micolas/

Nobody reads privacy policies – here’s how to fix that

Consumers can’t read, understand or use information in companies’ privacy policies. So they end up less informed and less protected than they’d like to be. New research shows a better way.
Who’s collecting your data, and what are they using your data for? Brian A. Jackson/

The real costs of cheap surveillance

What governments and companies think they know about us – whether or not it’s accurate – has real power over our actual lives.
Information doctors find out about you online may affect your treatment. But not all of it is accurate or relevant. from

Yes, your doctor might Google you

When we think about Google and health, we usually think about patients searching online for health information. But you may be surprised to hear that doctors Google you.
Tor’s improvements can help users stay private and anonymous online. Anonymous online via

Tor upgrades to make anonymous publishing safer

The Tor Project is upgrading its protections for internet users’ privacy and anonymity. A scholar and volunteer member of the nonprofit effort explains what’s changing and why.
How hard is it to find what people would prefer was forgotten? Magnifying glass with person and question mark via

Is anything ever ‘forgotten’ online?

How hard is it to find out what information has been removed from search engine results? What about identifying who asked for it to be removed?

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