The ban follows a long-running battle between Brazil’s supreme court and Elon Musk. It shows the country will no longer tolerate tech giants ignoring the rule of law.
The rise of misogynist attitudes among Australian boys occurs alongside an existing crisis — endemic levels of gender-based violence and murder perpetrated against women.
In Tickle vs Giggle, the court had to consider where gender identity sits in the Sex Discrimination Act. The landmark decision sets up a precedent to protect transgender people nationally.
While Kamala Harris’s ‘brat summer’ and its TikTok enthusiasts seemingly took flight overnight, the real question is whether young voters show up to cast their ballots in November.
Our new study found watching just eight minutes of TikTok content focused on dieting, weight loss and exercise had an immediate negative effect on body image satisfaction for young women.
All tourists want a good holiday, and no matter how uncomfortable overcrowding might be, thousands of people going to the same place at the same time feels less risky than being on your own.
Many parents might be concerned about the time their teens spend online. However, by modelling healthy online behaviours and habits can set an example their kids can follow.