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Artikel-artikel mengenai Pentagon

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Members of the House Freedom Caucus speak to reporters on July 14, 2023, hours before the House passed its version of the National Defense Authorization Act. Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images News/Getty Images

This year’s debate over defense spending threatens to disrupt a tradition of bipartisan consensus-building over funding the military

The National Defense Authorization Act has long had bipartisan support in both houses of Congress. But that died in the House this year.
In this 2006 photo, the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is unveiled in a ceremony in Fort Worth, Texas. (AP Photo/LM Ottero)

Federal budget 2022: More defence funding in wake of Canada’s F-35 about-face

Canada’s F-35 flip-flop amid the Ukraine war underscores the need for a far-reaching, comprehensive review of the defence, security, diplomatic and development issues facing the country.
Over there, over there (again). Omar Marques/Getty Images

The US military presence in Europe has been declining for 30 years – the current crisis in Ukraine may reverse that trend

The Pentagon has announced that as many as 8,500 troops have been put on standby to be deployed in Europe as a counter to the threat of the Russian military buildup on Ukraine’s eastern border.
Packed and ready to leave? Perhaps not quite yet. Capt. Robyn Haake/US Army/AFP via Getty Images

The Iraq War has cost the US nearly $2 trillion

The Pentagon has spent more than $800 billion on military operations in Iraq. But that doesn’t include money needed to care for veterans, rebuild the country or pay interest on war debt.

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