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Artikel-artikel mengenai Poverty

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 895 artikel

Men and boys, many dressed as women, attacking a turnpike gate in protest at charges at tollgates on public roads in west Wales. The Illustrated London News, 1843. World History Archive/Alamy

Why men in 19th century Wales dressed as women to protest taxation

The Rebecca riots saw Welsh farmers disguised as women destroy tollgates as a way of challenging what they believed was an oppressive taxation system.
The social and financial costs of policing food theft are higher than the costs of addressing poverty and income inequality. (Shutterstock)

Policing is not the answer to shoplifting, feeding people is

The food theft crisis is framed as a threat to paying customers. This furthers the divide between those who can still afford groceries and those who cannot.
University engagement with communities, such as the clothing exchange organized by UBC Climate Action Mobilizers, is vital for empowering communities and addressing climate injustices. (Linda Nowlan)

Extreme heat, extreme inequality: Addressing climate justice in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside

Often those most impacted by climate change are those least able to engage with climate discourse. Universities have a responsibility to engage with these communities.
The aftermath of a 2021 fire disaster in an abandoned building in central Johannesburg. Photo by Sharon Seretlo/Gallo Images via Getty Images

Johannesburg fire: there was a plan to fix derelict buildings and provide good accommodation - how to move forward

Armed police interventions are unconstitutional and incapable of addressing housing and safety in the inner city.

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