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Artikel-artikel mengenai Publishing

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Open access publishing enables free and easy dissemination of work, but this does not meant that it engages with literary culture. Titles are isolated from bookshops, reviews, and cultural conversations. Photo by Fred Kearney on Unsplash

The open access shift at UWA Publishing is an experiment doomed to fail

The notion that a respected publishing house can be replaced by open access publishing is disproved by examining other recent examples, such as the now-closed University of Adelaide Press.
Alexis Wright, pictured here in 2007 after winning the Miles Franklin award for her book Carpentaria, is one of many writers first published by University of Queensland Press. Dean Lewins/AAP

Reading the landscape: university publishing houses and the national creative estate

The University of Queensland Press has a peerless record of discovering, nurturing and supporting Australian writers. A new anthology is a cross-section of many of their writings.
Four of the six shortlisted books for the 2018 Stella Prize were from smaller presses, as was the winner, Alexis Wright’s Tracker. Stella Prize

Friday essay: the remarkable, prize-winning rise of our small publishers

As major publishers chase bestselling books, small ones are leading the way in publishing Australian literary fiction. And of late, they have been sweeping our major literary awards.
Locking articles away behind a paywall stifles access. Elizabeth

Academic journal publishing is headed for a day of reckoning

In our institutions of higher education and our research labs, scholars first produce, then buy back, their own content. With the costs rising and access restricted, something’s got to give.
There is a huge appetite for science and other research - so why aren’t more academic publications truly ‘open access’? from

Not just available, but also useful: we must keep pushing to improve open access to research

Could the real open access please stand up? If more research was published according to true open access principles, we’d see better application of evidence for everyone’s benefit.
Posters of various newspapers paying tribute after the death of former South African President Nelson in 2013. Siphiwe Sibeko/Reuters

The withdrawal of the Mandela book was nothing short of censorship

Some have suggested that the publisher and author of ‘Mandela’s Last Years’ were simply attempting to cash in on the Mandela legacy. This is not a basis for the withdrawal of a book.
Saturday is Love Your Bookshop Day – but bookshops face many challenges. Shutterstock

Love of bookshops in a time of Amazon and populism

Despite dire predictions, bookstores are doing well: they are curators of taste and community hubs. But their challenges are many – from the arrival of Amazon Down Under to a ‘post-truth’ climate that devalues knowledge.

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