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A three-year-old girl under a mosquito net in Mukuli, western Kenya. She had received all four doses of RTS,S, the world’s first malaria vaccine. Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP via Getty Images

Two new malaria vaccines are being rolled out across Africa: how they work and what they promise

Forty million children are born in malaria areas across Africa each year. Two new vaccines are important weapons in the fight against the disease.
Farm workers in South Africa will face difficulty working through heatwaves if global warming continues. Klaus Vedfeldt/Getty Images

Climate change makes life harder: in South Africa it’s likely to bring heatwaves, water stress and gender-based violence

The University of Cape Town’s new report on the impacts of climate change in South Africa found that heatwaves and water stress will affect jobs, deepen inequality, and increase gender-based violence.

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