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Artikel-artikel mengenai Small business

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Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank. The micro credit revolution he started has not been a panacea for poverty. EPA/Ulrich Perrey

From Zorro to Zombie: the rise and fall of the microcredit movement

Microcredit, which was viewed as a perfect market-affirming solution to poverty in developing countries, has collapsed. In 30 years it’s gone from Zorro to Zombie.
The government’s response to Ian Harper’s competition recommendations should underpin the next 20 years of Australia’s economic growth. AAP/Lukas Coch

Harper response is good economics and smart politics

The response to the Harper recommendations on competition policy reform was mature and wisely sidestepped the issue that could derail debate on it.
About 98% of US exporters are small businesses. Cargo ship via

We may have cinched TPP, but is US trade a lost cause?

The signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership belies the fact that the US’s share of trade in the region has been declining for some time.
New Assistant Minister for Innovation, Wyatt Roy, has his sights set on Silicon Valley. AAP Image/Lukas Coch for Buzzfeed

Startup nation: the rhetoric and the reality

The new Assistant Minister for Innovation, Wyatt Roy, wants to promote tech start-ups in Australia. But is that such a prudent policy?
Africa needs to support small and medium-sized enterprises across the value chain of the agribusiness sector. Reuters/Noor Khamis

What Africa can learn from China about growing its agribusiness sector

Over the past 60 years, China has experimented extensively with policies and programmes to encourage the growth of rural enterprises. Africa could do well by following in these footsteps.
New write-off rules may be too good to be true for some small businesses. Image sourced from

How the small business write-off can make you worse off

The $20,000 immediate write-off for small business has been broadly welcomed, but modelling shows there will be losers.
Immediate tax deductions for small business are designed to boost investment and confidence. AAP.Julian Smith

Why the small business tax break could pay for itself

The small business package allowing firms to depreciate up to $20,000 of assets comes with a hefty upfront cost - but the government collects later.
Joe Hockey is betting this budget is inoffensive. Lukas Coch/AAP

INFOGRAPHIC: The budget winners and losers

Small business and families top the list of winners, while tax avoiders and rich retirees stand to lose.
African nations can look to Nigeria and Tanzania for recent examples of smart policies that boost the middle class. Flag map via

Africa’s destiny depends on building a vibrant middle class

Some countries in Africa have made great strides bolstering the middle class by supporting small businesses, but more needs to be done. 
With banks pulling back on lending to small business, the sector has had to look elsewhere for funding. Shutterstock

Small business feeling the lending crunch – and three ways to help

Since the global financial crisis, credit growth in Australia has returned. But while growth in home lending between 2008 and 2014 was relatively strong (0.49% per month), it was actually negative for…
The combination of social, mobile, cloud and data analytics is offering small firms new potential. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/Flickr

Small business is missing the mobile, social, cloud revolution

Most companies that live and breathe the online revolution are not tech startups, but smart smaller firms that use online tools to run their core business better: to cut costs, reach customers and suppliers…

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