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Artikel-artikel mengenai Smoking cessation

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Smoking kills close to 440,000 people in the U.S. each year. California Department of Health Services

New health care law would lead to more smoking, disease and tobacco industry profits

While many groups of people stand to lose health insurance benefits under the new health care bill, smokers would be particularly harmed. Here’s how cutbacks in cessation programs could harm them.
If smoking is so joyous, why doesn’t it look it… Wikimedia Commons

On the pleasure of smoking

Many fork out considerable money in pharmaceuticals along the way in the attempt to shake their smoking.
Classifying e-cigarettes as a nicotine replacement therapy could help the tobacco industry influence health policy. from

How e-cigarettes could ‘health wash’ the tobacco industry

Classing e-cigarettes as quit smoking aids could help rebrand the tobacco industry as a legitimate player in health policy. Here’s why we should be concerned.
Tobacco companies are spending millions to stop a cigarette tax increase in California that public health officials say would save thousands of lives a year. California Department of Health Services

Californians backing cigarette tax boost, even though Big Tobacco spending millions

California, the nation’s single largest market for cigarettes, has one of the lowest taxes on them. A proposal to raise the tax by US$2 a pack could signal a sea change.
Happy-looking seniors via Shutterstock. From

Why dementia burden may be less than feared

Improvements in education and vascular health are likely partly responsible for a sharp decline in dementia over the past few decades. The trend may continue, if we also address obesity and diabetes.
Smokers not only pay a lot of money for cigarettes but also for their health insurance.

Another cost of smoking: Sky-high insurance

To discourage smoking, insurance companies charge higher premiums for smokers. This is having an unexpected consequence: rather than quit smoking, poor people are quitting insurance.
Very few smokers are willing to seek anything more than brief assistance. RaulLieberwirth/flickr

Has New Zealand lost its way in tobacco control?

The New Zealand government has decided to reorient its priorities in tobacco control. It has announced it will be pulling 73% of its previous funding support for tobacco control advocacy. The only money…
Many thousands of people stop and reduce their smoking every year. Raúl Villalón/Flickr

Are today’s smokers really more ‘hardened’?

As smoking continues its inexorable southward journey toward single-digit percentages of populations being smokers, it’s common to hear people say the smokers who remain are all “hard core”, heavily dependent…
Over the 23 days, we saw just 20 people vaping: 15 in Paris, one in Lyon, one in Calvi, one in Barcelona and two in Madrid. /Flickr

‘You’ll see vapers everywhere in Europe’. Well, … no

Every traveller forms impressions about patterns of frequently or seldom seen cultural differences when visiting other countries. You see far fewer women than men on the streets of more conservative Islamic…
From one hand-held habit to another. Shutterstock

Can social media help you quit smoking?

Services like Facebook and YouTube may have the upper hand when it comes to getting people to give up cigarettes.
Smoking has long been embedded in prison culture.

Why banning smoking in prisons is a good idea

It’s fair to say Victoria’s ban on smoking in prisons has had some teething issues, but there’s strong evidence to suggest the move is doing the right thing by inmates, staff and the health system.
Smokers respond to more filtered or more diluted cigarettes by taking bigger puffs and more of them. Pe3k/F/Shutterstock

Next step for tobacco control? Make cigarettes less palatable

Past tobacco control measures have changed the pack, while the cigarettes inside remain the same. A logical next step is to regulate how companies engineer cigarettes to promote their use.
Smokers would not riot in the streets. Many would welcome it. sanjagrujic/Shutterstock

Making smoking history: the case for a smoker’s licence

I’m a regular drug user. Every morning I take a drug to manage blood pressure. I get my supplies from my neighbourhood dealer, but I can get the stuff almost anywhere.
The ban disadvantages smokers who may have difficulty quitting but want to reduce the risks of smoking. NeydtStock/Flickr

Don’t ban e-cigarettes, sell them under tight regulation

Australia’s ban on e-cigarettes is ethically murky. It’s a paternalistic policy that denies adult smokers the right to use a less harmful form of nicotine.

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