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Artikel-artikel mengenai Smoking cessation

Menampilkan 21 - 40 dari 74 artikel

Cigarettes have been known for years to cause many diseases. Tobacco companies now have to pay $9 billion each year to help states pay for the costs of treatment to people they sickened. Protosav-AN/

April 15 is the day tobacco companies pay $9 billion for tobacco illnesses, but is it enough?

April 15 is not only a day to pay individual taxes to the IRS. It is also the day that tobacco companies must pay a penalty to help offset states’ costs for the treatment of tobacco-related diseases.
Staying on track with exercise goals can be hard without a plan to deal with stressors that get in the way. Flamingo Images/

How to increase your chances of sticking with your resolutions

Behavior change is very hard. Try as we might to keep those New Year’s resolutions, many have given up by this time. Here are some ways to keep going and stay on track, from a counseling psychologist.
South Africa was a leader in tobacco control but has not updated its policies adequately. Shutterstock

How South Africa is tightening its tobacco rules

South Africa’s proposed new tobacco laws will tighten the grip on how cigarettes and other tobacco products are sold, marketed and regulated in the country.
Judge Gladys Kessler’s ruling in 2006 was the basis for tobacco companies’ corrective statements now airing on TV and placed in newspapers. Tobacco Free Kids

Who forced the cigarette companies to run those anti-smoking ads?

The journey to the ads that cigarettes companies started running Nov. 26, 2017 about the dangers of smoking and their bad behavior started 64 years ago .
Shao Fei lights a cigarette on a Beijing street in 2015 as a co-worker looks on. Shao said at the time that higher taxes on cigarettes would lead him to stop smoking. Reuters/Kim Kyung-Hoon

A tax increase that’s proven to save lives

Tobacco taxes have been shown to curtail cigarette smoking. Why aren’t more countries, including the US, implementing them effectively?
Immediate cash incentives have been shown to be more effective in helping people quit, and cost us less in the long-run. Sajjad Zabihi/Unsplash

Why we should pay people to stop smoking

Studies have found paying people to quit is more effective than other methods, so why are we not considering it in Australia?
Generally, people under 40 have reported a decrease in recent illicit drug usage since 2001, while people 40 or older have reported an increase in recent years. AAP Image/Paul Miller

Three charts on: Australia’s changing drug and alcohol habits

The proportion of population who use legal and illegal drugs has remained stable or trended down. Fewer young people are using, but the proportion of older people using drugs and alcohol has grown.

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