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Artikel-artikel mengenai Songbirds

Menampilkan 41 - 46 dari 46 artikel

Urban noise pushes birds to sing in high pitch and ship sound deafens whales and dolphins. John Haslam, Eric Bégin, IK's World Trip, Green Fire Productions, flickker photos, Jay Ebberly / Flickr

How noise pollution is changing animal behaviour

Noise pollution, whether on land or under water, can affect animals in interesting – and not always positive – ways.
Australian flowers and their pollinators have evolved a specific way of communicating – all based upon colour. aussiegall/Flickr

Colourful language – it’s how Aussie birds and flowers ‘speak’

In Australia, honeyeaters are far and away the most abundant and important nectar-feeding birds, so also the most important avian pollinators of flowers. What effect has their visual perception had on…
Will the sun set on migratory songbird hunting, or the birds themselves? ONDR

Ending songbird slaughter? There’s an app for that

In an article for National Geographic and a forthcoming documentary film, author and birder Jonathan Franzen ponders the slaughter of migratory songbirds around the Mediterranean, and asks how it can be…
I love the smell of rat poison in the morning… Tony Martin/SGHT

The birdlife of South Georgia is handed another chance

Across the world, the damage caused by invasive alien species is second only to habitat destruction by humans in reducing the planet’s biodiversity. Their effect is especially potent on islands. Cats…
Bigger male purple-crowned fairy-wrens can sing their ‘trill song’ at a lower pitch than smaller males. Michelle Hall

How deep is your cheep? Why songbirds sing their size

The melodious beauty and elaborate complexity of birdsong has long inspired poets, writers, and musicians – as well as behavioural ecologists! But besides appreciating the aesthetics of birdsong, we are…

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