Scarlet honeyeater (Myzomela sanguinolenta )
Marty Oishi/Shutterstock
Better urban planning can help stem the loss of birds by protecting and connecting the areas of habitat they need to survive.
Blue jays are an important host of eastern equine encephalitis virus in the United States.
Mathew Schwartz/Unsplash
With warm weather in Australia, should we be worried too?
Banksy mural of a gull in Lowestoft.
Neeltje Boogert
Seagulls have an innate preference for fish and mussels rather than your chips, research shows.
This apparent bird-human hybrid is the largest image in a panel of rock art by a San artist.
The image underscores the depth of indigenous knowledge exemplified by San people.
While cormorants don’t migrate every year, they are increasingly on the move to cope with storms exacerbated by climate change.
As global temperatures rise, cormorants are having to adapt by migrating more often. Could this change be passed down through their genes?
The extinction event that killed the dinosaurs, 66 million years ago.
Mark Stevenson/UIG via Getty Images
It’s fun to imagine secret dinosaur survivors living today, hidden in a remote corner of Earth. But the truth of who made it through the extinction event 66 million years ago may surprise you.
Guy Castley
What do you know about your national currency? How about the cash used overseas? We studied wildlife imagery on banknotes around the world. Here’s what we found.
Paul Martinson / Te Papa
Reconstructing the demise of New Zealand’s extinct moa can help conserve the country’s remaining flightless birds, which are retreating to the same final places - cold, isolated mountaintops.
Baltimore orioles breed in eastern and central North America, then migrate south to wintering grounds in Florida, the Caribbean and Central America.
phototrip/istock via Getty Images
Central America’s forests are critically important habitat for many forest birds, including endangered species. Narco-traffickers are cutting down trees, leaving birds with nowhere to go.
A point cloud of a large old tree with green indicating branches preferred by birds.
Stanislav Roudavski / Alex Holland
Trees are better at designing habitat than we are. Can we use machine learning to get some tips?
Neil Tavener
Norfolk Island green parrots are self-medicating with pepper tree bark and leaves, to rid themselves of parasites. But is there more to it? Birds are known to indulge in alcohol and take stimulants.
Vaalaa / Shutterstock
Defending planes against running into birds is vitally important – and high-speed dead chickens play a surprising role.
Are we underestimating pigeons?
A scientist who wanted to show pigeons don’t need intellect to navigate was surprised by nuances in his own study findings.
The extinct Australian giant flightless bird, Genyornis newtoni . Used with permission; all other rights reserved.
Jacob C. Blokland
A recent find of an ancient giant bird’s skull has revealed much about its life among the vanished lakes and wetlands of inland South Australia.
The European pied flycatcher may have a genetic predisposition to learn certain songs.
Anton MirMar/Shutterstock
It may not be obvious to the human ear but birds of the same species sing in different dialects.
Kobbi R. Blair/Statesman-Journal via AP
Migratory birds could bring the lethal bird flu variant that is assailing the rest of the world’s birds.
The studied Psittacosaurus under natural (upper half) and UV light (lower half).
Zixiao Yang
Understanding more about feathers could change the way we think about dinosaurs.
Budimir Jevtic/Shutterstock
Philosophers have been debating whether we need conditioning to link information from different senses for centuries.
Twitching can help promote feelings of positivity, improve mood and foster an affinity with nature
Kostya Pazyuk/Alamy Stock Photo
These birds are a harbinger of summer – but their arrival, and the seasons, are no longer predictable.