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Artikel-artikel mengenai Space

Menampilkan 201 - 220 dari 782 artikel

Powered by hydrogen gas, fuel cell vehicles produce only water as a tailpipe emission. Friedemann Vogel/EPA

The days of the hydrogen car are already over

Hydrogen cars were heralded as an avenue towards universal green motoring, but progress has stalled in recent years.
Didymos (bottom right) and its smaller moonlet Dimorphos (center) were the targets of the Double Asteroid Redirection Test. NASA/Johns Hopkins APL

NASA crashed a spacecraft into an asteroid – photos show the last moments of the successful DART mission

The Double Asteroid Redirection Test successfully showed that it is possible to crash a spacecraft into a small asteroid. Whether the approach could save Earth from a future threat remains to be seen.
Astronomers think the most likely place to find life in the galaxy is on super-Earths, like Kepler-69c, seen in this artist’s rendering. NASA Ames/JPL-CalTech

Super-Earths are bigger, more common and more habitable than Earth itself – and astronomers are discovering more of the billions they think are out there

Newly discovered super-Earths add to the list of planets around other stars that offer the best chance of finding life. An astronomer explains what makes these super-Earths such excellent candidates.
Space exploration is becoming a more feasible reality, prompting a need for international cooperation. (NASA/Unsplash)

Outer space is not the “Wild West”: There are clear rules for peace and war

A new publication clarifies how existing legal frameworks apply to space exploration and development. The McGill Manual also highlights the catastrophic implications of conflict in space.

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