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Artikel-artikel mengenai Voter turnout

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New Zealand’s 2018 census was the first to be carried out online, but it captured only 83% of people, a response rate 9% lower than the previous census. Māori responses dropped by 20%. from

Bungled NZ census highlights need for multiple voting options to raise Māori participation

The failure of the 2018 census to get a good response rate highlights the need for multiple voting options to increase participation, particularly of Māori.
Occasional voters don’t respond well to guilt trips when organizations try to encourage them to cast ballots. Research suggests other methods are more successful. Unsplash

How to encourage the occasional voter to cast a ballot

Encouraging people to vote involves changing the discourse. Guilt trips are ineffective.
Canadians are still forced to travel to polling stations and line up to vote. Online voting would save time and money. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

Here’s how we can get more people to vote in elections

About one-third of Canadians don’t bother to vote in federal elections. Many people cite “everyday life issues,” like the time it takes to vote, as reasons why they don’t participate.
In this Oct. 31, 2018 photo, students dance atop a bus to music during a Vote for Our Lives rally at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Fla. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

Why we should pay attention to the power of youth

Young people have the right, the skills and the numbers to make a difference in politics and society in North America and beyond. Their voices, energy and vision contribute to a healthy democracy.
Latinos make up 12 percent of all registered voters in the US, but less than half vote regularly. AP Photo/Isaac Brekken, File

Democrats can’t count on Latinos to swing the midterms

Latinos are less likely than other Americans to vote in November, new polling shows. Here’s why Democrats shouldn’t expect a Latino blue wave to swing the midterms in their favor.
Election workers unload a bag of ballots brought in a from a polling precinct to the Sacramento County Registrar of Voters office in Sacramento, California. AP/Rich Pedroncelli

Why is it so hard to get an accurate vote count?

There are different ballots, voting machines, registration and eligibility requirements and procedures for counting votes across the country. That’s a recipe for occasional confusion and miscounts.
A high school talks over a civics assignment in an advanced placement class. Johnny Andrews/AP

Why America urgently needs to improve K-12 civic education

Only about 40-45 percent of 18-to-29-year-olds turned out to vote in the 2012 election. Civic education can improve youth turnout. But civic education itself remains neglected in US schools.

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