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Artikel-artikel mengenai World Health Organization (WHO)

Menampilkan 321 - 340 dari 419 artikel

Women in rural Malawi, outside an AIDS hospital. AIDS was the first of the ‘new’ pandemic threats, after bird flu. Author provided.

How the Trump budget undercuts security risks posed by pandemics

An active outbreak of a type of bird flu in China raises concerns about worldwide pandemics. Ebola and Zika viruses still threaten. Here’s why this is not the time to cut funding.
A woman with tuberculosis in South Sudan holds her child in this 2014 photo. Andreea Campaneau/REUTERS

Want to end TB? Diagnose and treat all forms of the disease

Tuberculosis transmitted from animals to humans is a growing concern in poor countries. As we observe World Tuberculosis Day, it’s worth asking why.
By agencies working together, we can prevent female genital mutilation, which new research confirms is happening in Australia. from

Female genital mutilation is hurting Australian girls and we must work together to stamp it out

Female genital mutilation is largely hidden in Australia and other high-income countries. But the United Nations says it is a global concern – and our research found it does affect girls here.
Revellers at a carnival in Sao Paulo wear mosquito masks in a reference to the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which can spread dengue and Zika on February 4, 2016. Paulo Whitaker/Reuters

Dengue virus antibodies may worsen a Zika infection

Emerging research suggests that preexisting immunity to dengue virus, which is endemic in South America, could make a subsequent Zika infection worse.
Early detection and treatment of diabetes can be life-saving, but prevention by adopting healthier diets and lifestyle is even better. Mario Anzuoni/Reuters

How South Africa can beat its sugar-fuelled diabetes epidemic

Being able to buy processed “food-like” products is often seen as a mark of personal and material success. Little attention is paid to having a healthy diet.

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