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Artikel-artikel mengenai Youth unemployment

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The government wants young people to be learning or earning, but at some point they should be treated as adults. Dean Lewins/AAP

Earning, learning or confused: mixed signals on jobs for young

When should a young person start getting paid as an adult? It depends on where the money is coming from, according to current government policy - policy that is sending conflicting messages about the true…
Policy measures have failed to understand why unemployed and disaffected youth are the way they are. Shutterstock

Regressive measures won’t help youth into work or training

The 2014 federal budget implemented a so-called crackdown on what Minister for Social Services Kevin Andrews calls young people who are content to “sit on the couch at home and pick up a welfare cheque…

Infographic: federal budget at a glance

Since publication this infographic has been amended. The original version stated the NDIS was scaled back. There are no planned cuts to the funding of the NDIS.
The number of young unemployed people has grown by more than 60% in less than six years, so why are they largely ignored? AAP/Alan Porritt

Why rising youth unemployment demands our urgent attention

I believe there is a special case for taking an interest in youth unemployment. It is concerning that more than one-third of the unemployed people in Australia are aged 15 to 24. In the 14 years leading…
Destination unknown: measuring youth unemployment is a fraught business. Martin Rickett/PA

Hard Evidence: who are the NEETS?

Governments across Europe are searching for effective policies to drive down youth unemployment. Most European countries have experienced an alarming rise in the levels of young people (16-24) who are…
Narendra Modi is winning support from young voters. Divyakant Solanki

Modi is the man for India’s ‘generation nowhere’ students

In 2004, students in the north Indian city of Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, started a club called Generation Nowhere. They met to discuss the hopelessness of their position as educated young men from provincial…
The number of young Australians unemployed for more than 52 weeks has tripled since 2008. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Long-term youth unemployment triples in six years: study

More than 50,000 young people have been unemployed for more than a year, with the average length of unemployment almost doubling – from 16 to 29 weeks – over the last six years. This means nearly 18% of…
Africa has a youthful population, but so far it has been underutilised in the workforce. Charles Okumu

Africa’s youth can inoculate it from Dutch disease

Africa is the last frontier of a plundered planet, as argued by Oxford economist and Africa expert Paul Collier. When compared with almost all other regions of the world that have already been explored…
Young left out of the recovery. Andy Rain/EPA

Hard Evidence: are young people’s job prospects improving?

Recessions always hit young people hard. Firms’ first response to declining orders is to stop hiring new recruits rather than sacking experienced staff. Young people disproportionately rely on new hiring…
Youth Club? EPA/Andy Rain

Handle with care: Europe’s fragile jobs growth

Unemployment in the euro area finally seems to be showing signs of a timid recovery, according to the winter forecasts from the EU, but that doesn’t mean that we can rest on our laurels. A bumpy ride lies…
NEET. Not a neat term. Danny Lawson/PA Wire/Press Association Images

Small drop in NEETs, but who counts the cost of the missing?

New figures have been published on the number of young people the government classes as NEET – not in any form of education, employment or training. The statistics show that the number of 16-24 year olds…
The G20 is made up of several tiers, not all of whom share priorities. AAP

Can worldwide economic growth be ‘planned’?

G20 finance ministers and central bank governors have set themselves a formidable task in accelerating growth and creating millions of new jobs in order to add 2% to world economic growth over the next…
The future for young workers is looking less secure, with casual work taking hold.

Is job insecurity becoming the norm for young people?

In recent years, job insecurity among young people has risen to unsettling proportions. Last year, The Economist reported that as many as 290 million 15-24 year olds were not participating in the labour…
You read it write. truthout

Unemployment caused by the economic crisis set to worsen

While the rich countries were most affected by the global economic crisis, there are signs of recovery. Although India and China won’t go back to the days of double-digit growth, other emerging countries…
Are working holidays makers taking away jobs and other visitors on short-term working visas from young locals? Andos/ElloShutterstock

Scarce jobs: migrants or locals at the end of the job queue?

During this election campaign, the major parties have professed their concern about employment opportunities. The mantra is jobs, jobs, jobs. This is appropriate in a context where growth in the number…

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