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Artikel-artikel mengenai Zambia

Menampilkan 101 - 120 dari 144 artikel

A Malawi boy sits among drying tobacco leaves in 2014. Jeffrey Drope

Big Tobacco woos African farmers with bogus promises of prosperity

The tobacco industry claims that tobacco- growing is essential to the livelihoods of millions of small-scale rural farmers in Malawi, Zambia and Kenya. Research shows that’s untrue.
Carefully tracking the migration habits of birds like the Barn Swallow can help to conserve these species. Shutterstock

Why a proper record of birds in Africa is so important – for Europe

If Europe is going to reap the benefits of conservation measures at home, its experts need an understanding of where “their” birds migrate to when they head off to Africa.
There are fears that Zambia is slipping into authoritarian rule under President Edgar Lungu. UN Women/Flickr

Zambia slides towards authoritarianism as IMF props up government

The IMF’s decision to go ahead with a bailout package for Zambia, despite the government’s democratic failings, could embolden the president to pursue an authoritarian strategy.
The declining fishing yield in the Lake Tanganyika region is being exacerbated by an influx of refugees. Reuters/Sala Lewis

The fate of Africa’s Lake Tanganyika lies in the balance

Climate change, deforestation, overfishing and hydrocarbon exploitation threatens one of Africa’s oldest lake’s, Lake Tanganyika.
US President Donald Trump stamped his inaugural speech with the promise of ‘America First’ – a slogan with an ominous past. Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

Trump’s ‘America first’ pledge has echoes of Rhodesia’s racist white nationalists

Rhodesia’s white supremacists appealed to the white electorate by taking a stand against African liberation. Similarly, Donald Trump appealed to white Americans who feel overwhelmed by globalisation.
Malawi is a country that’s particularly vulnerable to the impact of drought and flood. Shutterstock

Africa needs to manage food, water and energy in a way that connects all three

Understanding the connections between basic food demands and accessibility to water and energy is important when it comes to climate change and its impact on agriculture and livelihoods.

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