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Auckland University of Technology

Auckland University of Technology (AUT) is one of the world’s best modern universities. Home to 28,000 students across three campuses, AUT has over 60 research centres and institutes delivering leading research – from artificial intelligence to robotics, and ecology to public health. As a contemporary university, AUT is connected to an extraordinary range of organisations worldwide; sharing expertise and resources, collaborating on ground-breaking research, and connecting students with industry leaders and employers.


Displaying 281 - 300 of 325 articles

As part of its commitment under the Paris Agreement, New Zealand’s government has committed to planting one billion trees within a decade. from

Coldplay conundrum: how to reduce the risk of failure for environmental projects

Planting more native forests could help mitigate the causes of climate change, but unless funding is closely tied to successful outcomes, such projects face the risk of failure.
A worker paints make-up on the faces of sex dolls in a factory in China. ALEKSANDAR PLAVEVSKI/AAP

From stone dildos to sexbots: how technology is changing sex

The use of technology to enhance sexual pleasure is ancient. Now advances in AI have led to more lifelike sex dolls hitting the market – but sex robots aren’t the only innovations on the horizon.
Bagi pengkritik bahasa gado-gado, keberadaan bahasa Inggris dalam bertutur seolah membuat jati diri kita sebagai bangsa Indonesia memudar.

Bahasa gado-gado a break from norma sosial dan tabu yang mengekang

Bahasa gado-gado ternyata memainkan fungsi perlawanan terhadap pengekangan kebebasan berekspresi mengenai hal-hal yang tabu dan di luar norma sosial budaya yang dominan di Indonesia.
New research shows that parenthood penalises all women, particularly those who are on high incomes, and sets them on a trajectory of lower lifetime earnings relative to their male peers. from

How parenthood continues to cost women more than men

New research shows that parenthood contributes to the gender pay gap and penalises all women, particularly those who were on high incomes before having children.
Companies like Amazon create value for investors through their people, their invented systems and processes, and their physical presence. Jakub Kaczmarczyk

To value companies like Amazon and Facebook, we need to look beyond dollars and assets

Traditional accounting calculates a company’s value by measuring physical assets and how much they owe. But we can tweak this for today’s economy by including people and their ability to innovate.
As watchdogs, regulators, tax agencies, and lobby groups apply more pressure to tech giants Google and Facebook, the two companies are rebranding in response. Wes Mountain/The Conversation

Google and Facebook cosy up to media companies in response to the threat of regulation

It’s surprising that news publishers seem to hand more power to Google because now more than ever there’s an urgency to have clear barriers between news companies, social media platforms and search engines.
Penggunaan istilah “pelakor” (perebut laki orang) dalam isolasi menunjukkan kecenderungan masyarakat kita untuk hanya menyalahkan perempuan dalam sebuah perselingkuhan, meski jelas dibutuhkan dua orang untuk itu.

Apa kata ahli linguistik soal ‘pelakor’

Jika digunakan sendirian, istilah pelakor menghapus peran laki-laki dalam aksi kolaboratif perselingkuhan.
The use of the term pelakor in isolation reveals people’s tendency to blame only the woman in an affair, though it obviously takes two to tango.

In Indonesia, a sexist term for ‘the other woman’

Recently, many Indonesians have been bombarded with stories about the “pelakor”, a term popularly used to refer to a woman who is perceived as responsible for ruining a couple’s marriage).
La réalité virtuelle nous donne la perception d'être physiquement présent à l'intérieur de la scène qui se joue dans notre casque. Shutterstock

La réalité virtuelle dans la pub : des outils nouveaux pour déclencher l’acte d’achat

Des études montrent que la réalité virtuelle possède une grande capacité d’influence sur ses utilisateurs. De quoi nourrir l’appétit des publicitaires, encore peu présents sur ces technologies.
The New York Times continues to invest in its newsrooms and expand internationally (it has journalists filing stories from over 150 countries), while Fairfax continues to chop newsroom jobs. Elaine To/AAP

Time for a ‘digital’ reality check on Fairfax and The New York Times

While digital revenue streams may be delivering, there’s still a strong reliance on print for revenue and research shows readers engage more with print.


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