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Cardiff University

Cardiff University is a world-leading, research excellent, educationally outstanding university, driven by creativity and curiosity, which fulfils its social, cultural and economic obligations to Cardiff, Wales and the world.

The University is recognised in independent government assessments as one of Britain’s leading teaching and research universities and is a member of the Russell Group of the UK’s research intensive universities. Among its academic staff are two Nobel Laureates, including the winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize for Medicine, University Chancellor Professor Sir Martin Evans.

Founded by Royal Charter in 1883, today the University combines impressive modern facilities and a dynamic approach to teaching and research. The University’s breadth of expertise encompasses: the College of Humanities and Social Sciences; the College of Biomedical and Life Sciences; and the College of Physical Sciences, along with a longstanding commitment to lifelong learning. Cardiff’s three flagship Research Institutes are offering radical new approaches to neurosciences and mental health, cancer stem cells and sustainable places.

We are pleased to partner with The Conversation to share Cardiff’s work, helping to make our discoveries and expertise, whether in science, technology, culture, politics or social affairs, widely accessible to all.


Displaying 901 - 906 of 906 articles

The Bank of England: still the key to growth? Yui Mok/PA

Ignore the calls for stimulus and stick with Plan A

Many critics of the coalition government’s “Plan A” argue that it should deviate from deficit reduction plans to instead stimulate growth via additional infrastructure spending. Recent advocates of this…
Cut from the sea bed this 20m long core contains 100,000 years of climate history. Ian Hall

Humans have a long history of coming together to solve a climate crisis

Responding to a crisis often brings out the best in people. Certainly it has in the past, when sudden changes in climate during the Middle Stone Age sparked off surges of cultural evolution and innovation…
UKIP’s policies on climate change have played fast and loose with the facts. Nick Ansell/PA Wire

UKIP’s rise may undo the climate change consensus

The surge of support for UKIP at the local council elections this month suggests Britain, or at least some of it, is experiencing a lurch to the right. The party’s rag-bag of populist policies, described…
If British Conservatives are worried about the environment, they would do well to focus on reducing emissions, not stopping wind turbines. floato/Flickr

Corby by-election: British Tories all talk on wind power

There are few cardinal sins in politics – but campaigning on behalf of your opponent has to be one of them. So when news broke this week that the British Conservative Party MP Chris Heaton Harris had boasted…
Thousands of students took to the streets of London in December to protest about the increase in the student fees. AFP/Leon Neal

The global impact of UK university funding cuts

Universities in Britain are being changed beyond recognition by budget cuts which may be crippling for some institutions. Many of the reforms are inevitable in the current global recession, but they will…


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