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As Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO is solving the greatest challenges through innovative science and technology.

CSIRO - unlocking a better future for everyone.


Displaying 381 - 400 of 755 articles

The 500-metre Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) is the largest single-dish radio telescope in the world. NAOC

How CSIRO is turbocharging the world’s largest radio telescopes

You can’t just buy a radio telescope receiver off the shelf. So CSIRO has been hard at work building receivers for the world’s largest telescopes using the very latest technology.
Some of the many species in the Australian National Insect Collection. CSIRO/Alan Landford

Why so many Australian species are yet to be named

At least 100,000 insects are among the many Australian species still to be formally identified. That’s a problem for any biosecurity experts who need to be able to spot potentially invasive bugs.
Intelligent machines are getting better at understanding our conversation. Shutterstock/Gary Blakeley

The future of chatbots is more than just small-talk

Human communication is complex, rich in nuances and frequently includes non-verbal signs. That’s a challenge if you want an intelligent machine to be part of the conversation.
Data about farms’ financial situation as well as the weather could help identify those most vulnerable to drought. Bidgee/Wikimedia Commons

Drought forecasting isn’t just about water – to get smart we need health and financial data too

Forecasting drought should be about more than weather – to help those likely to be hit hardest, we need financial and even health data too.
Tasmania’s bushfires damaged pristine bushland and stretched emergency services to the limit. AAP Image/Patrick Caruana

Was Tasmania’s summer of fires and floods a glimpse of its climate future?

This summer has seen Tasmania suffer through drought, bushfires, floods and the worst marine heatwave on record. Is this what life under a climate-changed future will be like?
CSIRO chief executive Larry Marshall fronts senate estimates in February. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

CSIRO must ensure climate science is maintained

A proposal for the Bureau of Meteorology to take on CSIRO climate scientists is a good idea - but CSIRO needs to make sure nothing is lost.
Glaciers have been a major contributor to sea-level rise. Knut Christianson

What does the science really say about sea-level rise?

Could sea levels really rise by several metres this century. Probably not, although this century’s greenhouse emissions could potentially set the stage for large rises in centuries to come.


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