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Edith Cowan University

ECU provides the ideal learning environment for people who want to reach their potential. Located in Western Australia, our industry-relevant teaching and research, supportive study environment and award-winning facilities enable ECU students to do more than just survive in this world – they thrive in it. Our world-class research strives to make a difference to the community in Western Australia and beyond. ECU focuses on working with our communities, business and government organisations to solve real-world problems.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 603 articles

Criminosos usam diversas estratégias para pressionar e desorientar vítimas e assim obter informações sigilosas ou convencê-las a fazer coisas que normalmente não fariam christinarosepix/Shutterstock

As armas psicológicas que os golpistas usam, e como se proteger delas

Com tanto aconselhamento disponível, como ainda somos enganados? Porque os criminosos cibernéticos usam técnicas psicológicas sofisticadas para nos enganar e nos deixar mentalmente cansados

Indigenous fathers help build stronger communities. Here’s how we can better support them

First Nations fathers are too often the subject of negative, often untrue stereotypes. We analysed data from around 150 dads about what they needed. Here’s what they said.
Se défaire de choses que l'on possède présente des similitudes avec d'autres situations à surmonter comme des attentes déçues. Shutterstock

Pourquoi les enfants ne veulent pas donner les jouets dont ils n’ont plus besoin

Certains enfants n’ont aucun mal à donner leurs vieux jeux ou habits tandis que d’autres rechignent à le faire. Quels sont les enjeux derrière cet attachement aux objets ?
Emmanuel Offei/ Unsplash

‘I feel like I’ve been able to create more awareness’: what is it like for Indigenous men at top-ranked universities?

Politicians talk about how they want to see more Indigenous graduates but we don’t often hear from Indigenous students about their experiences. New research talks to four young Indigenous men.


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