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Displaying 1 - 20 of 145 articles

Activists on both sides of the abortion battle are gearing up for it to be a major issue in the 2024 election. Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

Supreme Court unanimously concludes that anti-abortion groups have no standing to challenge access to mifepristone – but the drug likely faces more court challenges

The opinion did not take on the substance of the plaintiffs’ claims against mifepristone, and the abortion pill is already facing other challenges.
Democrats and Republicans are equally less likely to support a drug treatment clinic if it’s in their neighborhood. Can Merey/picture alliance via Getty Images

How opioid treatment centers can overcome bipartisan NIMBYism to build local support

A Philadelphia neighborhood is pushing back against the city’s plan to expand an existing shelter to serve people in active addiction.
Demonstrators protest outside the Supreme Court building shortly before the court heard arguments about mifepristone on March 26, 2024. Michael Nigro/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images

Can states prevent doctors from giving emergency abortions, even if federal law requires them to do so? The Supreme Court will decide

EMTALA requires hospitals to provide stabilizing treatment to all patients – but Idaho is arguing that its abortion ban means it doesn’t have to allow the procedure, even if it is medically needed.
Pro-abortion rights activists rally in front of the Supreme Court on March 26, 2024, the day justices heard oral arguments about the use of mifepristone. Drew Angerer/AFP via Getty Images

Abortion drug access could be limited by Supreme Court − if the court decides anti-abortion doctors can, in fact, challenge the FDA

Two legal scholars who study abortion-related laws explain what happened at the Supreme Court in a case that could make it harder to get an abortion.
A protester marks the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision anniversary outside the Supreme Court building on June 23, 2023. Associated Press/Nathan Howard

Biden cannot easily make Roe v. Wade federal law, but he could still make it easier to get an abortion

While both Congress and the president have extensive legal powers, they cannot easily change the law to protect abortions under federal law.
L’interview accordée par le président russe à l’éditorialiste superstar de la galaxie trumpiste, le 8 février au Kremlin, a donné lieu à de très longs développements de Vladimir Poutine sur l’histoire de la Russie et de l’Ukraine, au grand désarroi de son interlocuteur.

L’interview de Poutine par Tucker Carlson et sa réception par l’extrême droite occidentale

La réaction des extrêmes droites européennes et américaine à l’entretien Carlson-Poutine a mis en lumière les divergences existant entre cette mouvance et le Kremlin plus que leurs points d’accord.
Women who were denied abortions, despite serious pregnancy complications, appear outside the Texas Supreme Court in November 2023, following arguments in a lawsuit they brought against the state. Suzanne Cordeiro/AFP via Getty Images

Most state abortion bans have limited exceptions − but it’s hard to understand what they mean

Women in Texas and in other states with abortion bans are suing, asking for clarification on when medical exceptions could actually be granted.
Joining up with someone who holds a different perspective influences your take on online posts. Frazao Studio Latino/E+ via Getty Images

People dig deeper to fact-check social media posts when paired with someone who doesn’t share their perspective – new research

A new study unexpectedly found a way to help people assess social media posts with less bias and more care – pairing them up with partners who have a different perspective.
Plusieurs cas de bilharziose, aussi appelée schistosomiase, ont été détectés en Europe, notamment dans le sud de la Corse. Shutterstock / Samuel Borges Photography

Bilharziose en Europe : À la recherche de nouvelles armes pour combattre cette maladie tropicale déjà implantée en Corse

La bilharziose, une maladie parasitaire tropicale, est désormais présente en Europe. Pour la combattre, un seul médicament est actuellement disponible. Mais la génétique pourrait changer les choses.
If your instincts say a lot of images on Facebook are misleading, you’re right. AP Photo/Jenny Kane

Visual misinformation is widespread on Facebook – and often undercounted by researchers

The flood of misinformation on social media could actually be worse than many researchers have reported. The problem is that many studies analyzed only text, leaving visual misinformation uncounted.
Le rapport de la commission parlementaire épingle la poutinophilie du RN et de Marine Le Pen, ici à Moscou en mars 2017 peu avant une rencontre avec Vladimir Poutine. Mais le parti d’extrême droite a aussi, voire surtout, de nombreux alliés au sein de l’UE… Kirill Kudryavtsev/AFP

Au-delà des liens entre le RN et la Russie : le grand projet illibéral européen

Se focaliser sur les liens entre le RN et la Russie peut conduire à négliger le projet, caressé par plusieurs partis d’extrême droite de l’UE, consistant à édifier un espace illibéral européen.
Anti-abortion activists gather outside the Supreme Court building on April 15, 2023. Astrid Riecken for The Washington Post via Getty Images

An obscure 1800s law is shaping up to be the center of the next abortion battle – legal scholars explain what’s behind the Victorian-era Comstock Act

The 1873 Comstock Act makes it a crime to mail abortion drugs or medicine – raising legal questions about the law’s potential revival and influence over nationwide abortion laws.


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