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Hunter College

Hunter College, located in the heart of Manhattan, is the largest college in the City University of New York (CUNY). Founded in 1870, it is also one of the oldest public colleges in the country. More than 23,000 students currently attend Hunter, pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in more than 170 areas of study.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 22 articles

Zoologist Elizabeth Morrison receives the Jamaican giant galliwasp from Mike Rutherford, a curator at the University of Glasgow, on April 22, 2024. Jane Barlow/PA Images via Getty Images

Returning a 170-year-old preserved lizard to Jamaica is a step toward redressing colonial harms

Not all reparations involve money. Returning unique scientific resources is also a way of showing respect and righting past harms.
A portrait of the German composer Ludwig van Beethoven in 1818. 12/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Was Beethoven truly the greatest?

Deifying the composer and his work only serves to reinforce America’s white patriarchy at the expense of countless others who were no less great.
Indianapolis debuted a bus rapid transit system with 60-foot articulated electric buses in 2019. Momoneymoproblemz/Wikipedia

Why the humble city bus is the key to improving US public transit

High-quality bus service is the fastest route to rapid, comprehensive public transit in the United States. This country was once a leader in bus transit, and with adequate funding, it could be again.
When people have to pay for every bag of trash they throw out, they produce less waste. Mint Images RF via Getty Images

What is pay-as-you-throw? A waste expert explains

When governments want people to do less of something, one way to make that happen is to charge them for doing it. That’s the idea behind pay-as-you-throw waste policies.
About 1 in 3 homeowners across the Miami region live in condos, many with waterfront views. Kelly Kagan

Why condos caught on in America

Following the deadly collapse of a condo high-rise in Florida, a historian of this kind of housing explains how it offers a sense of community that many people seek.
La façon dont les enseignants se souviennent de leur enfance donne des indices importants sur leur capacité à identifier et à combattre les inégalités dans les écoles aujourd'hui. Shutterstock

Les souvenirs d’enfance des enseignants influent sur leur manière de lutter contre les inégalités scolaires

Lorsque les enseignants utilisent leurs souvenirs pour examiner comment les écoles affectent les chances des enfants sur la base de leur identité sociale, ils imaginent une éducation plus équitable.
How teachers recall their childhoods carries important clues about how likely they are to name and challenge inequities in schools today. (Shutterstock)

How teachers remember their own childhoods affects how they challenge school inequities

When teachers use memories to examine how schools unequally affect children’s life choices and chances on the basis of social identity, they’re able to imagine more equitable education.
The cast of the film ‘Spotlight’ reacts after they won the Oscar for Best Picture at the 88th Academy Awards. Mario Anzuoni/Reuters

Oscars 2016: expert reaction

From Chris Rock’s opening monologue to red carpet hits (and misses), our experts analyze key moments from this year’s Academy Awards.
A woman cries beside a truck carrying 136 coffins of newly identified victims of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre. They will be buried at the massacre memorial on July 11. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

Who gets to forget? What the tragedy of Srebrenica says about Europe

Twenty years after the mass killings of 8,000 Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica in 1995 during the Balkan War, Europeans still grapple with the legacy of genocide.


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