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New York University


Displaying 201 - 205 of 205 articles

The researcher had tampered with data from pre-clinical trials of an anti-cancer drug. Esther/Flickr

UK researcher sentenced to three months’ jail for faking data

A British scientist convicted of scientific fraud last month for falsifying research data has been sentenced to three months jail. Steven Eaton is the first person to serve time under the UK’s Good Laboratory…
Building an accurate brain model is computationally demanding. JamesJam

Computing on the brain: where MRI meets epilepsy treatment

It’s been referred to, somewhat disparagingly, as blobology, but MRI technology has the potential to improve treatment for epilepsy – in part thanks to developments in computing. Identifying where seizures…
Acknowledging that things don’t always go right, and trying to figure out what went wrong are hallmarks of a transparent and mature profession. AAP

Clearing the air: why more retractions are good for science

TRANSPARENCY AND MEDICINE – A series examining issues from ethics to the evidence in evidence-based medicine, the influence of medical journals to the role of Big Pharma in our present and future health…
Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy, announced the terms of reference for the media inquiry on Wednesday. AAP

Broad terms for media inquiry but what about ownership?

The Australian government has announced the terms of reference of its planned media inquiry, which will look at the powers of the Press Council, recent technological developments and the ability of the…
Women rushed to change their lives in the 60s and 70s, but their progress has stalled now. Flickr/Maciek Zygmunt

Why the rush for gender equality has stalled

No one is too surprised today if a young woman becomes a doctor, lawyer, or executive. But eyebrows are raised just about as much today as in decades past if a couple features a tall woman and short man…


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