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Queensland University of Technology

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is an Australian university with an emphasis on real-world courses and applied research. Based in Brisbane with strong global connections, it has 40,000 students, including 6,000 from overseas.


Displaying 1321 - 1340 of 1533 articles

Every state and territory is different: how did they vote in Election 2013? Image from

State of the states post-election: experts respond

The Conversation asked Australia’s leading experts to profile the eight states and territories in the lead up to the election. With the result decided (albeit some details still to be ironed out), we look…
Queensland has a disproportionate number of marginal seats, making it a key battleground. Image from

State of the states: Queensland

STATE OF THE STATES: a snapshot of the key issues affecting each state and territory in the lead up to Saturday’s election. With more marginal seats than any state other than New South Wales - and easily…

Kitchen kitsch

In between the transmission of Kitchen Cabinet’s special editions featuring the competing party leaders in the 2013 election, it’s an opportune moment to ask: what is it about these human interest-oriented…
“Sprinkles” - sachets of nutrient powder - were distributed across remote Indigenous communities as part of a broader study addressing childhood nutrition. Fred Hollows Foundation

Anaemia and poor nutrition running high among young Indigenous children

Young children living in remote Indigenous communities have long been known to suffer from iron deficiency and anaemia at many times the rates found among other Australian children. Now a new report shows…

Never too late for policy debate

The great challenge for the Australian political media this week will not be that of accurately predicting the outcome of Saturday’s election. Rather, it will be to maintain public interest in what has…
Perhaps talking about investment could lead Australia to a brighter farming future. Michael Lloyd

Foreign investment in agriculture? How about a plan for profitability

Large parts of Australian agriculture are economically and financially unsustainable. Returns are inadequate and unbalanced; assets are depleted; risks are needlessly high. To date, governments have largely…
Denial of problems runs deep in Canberra, where it seems even the most active and insightful of people struggle against inertia, mis-focus and Myna chatter. Image from

Economic Myna sing songlines of our debt dreamtime

We start with the bush, where incomes are stalled, or plunging, as farmers battle. Here, the common economic Myna flocks, displacing sound native ideas with dizzy chatter - and prosperity with penury…
There’s an emerging body of research focusing on the potential positive influences of video games. Rebecca Pollard

Beyond the beat-em-up: video games are good for young people

Research and media attention has usually focused on possible negative impacts of video games. But a clear case to support such links is yet to emerge and even people who argue that video games have a negative…
Leaders since Aug thumb.

#ausvotes Retweets of Political Leaders: The Story So Far

As the federal election campaign continues, and as we track the role social media play in the process (see my previous updates here), one aspect we’ve not yet explored is how the various political leaders…

We need to talk about Kevin

The prime minister did better in Wednesday’s people’s forum than in the first debate, but failed to deliver the game changing performance he needed. On the contrary, negative media coverage of his alleged…
Twitter data showing an apparent drop in the number of Tweeps sharing Fairfax opinion articles is, in fact, explained by a change in the way the publisher names its URLs. AAP Image/Paul Miller

UPDATE: Fairfax responds to reported Twitter trend after pay wall introduced

UPDATE: Fairfax has responded to a column published on The Conversation – and an earlier version of this story – that linked the introduction of the publisher’s pay wall to an apparent slump in the number…

Rudd agrees to participate in Sky’s people’s forum

The prime minister was right to finally agree to participate in Sky News’ ‘people’s forum’ televised debate, scheduled for this coming Wednesday. It’s good for the media campaign, and voters’ engagement…

It’s the policies, stupid!

Towards the end of Week 2 of the campaign the parties and their leaders have settled into a steady, stoic rhythm. After a spectacular first week which put the media at the forefront of the campaign, News…

The politics of performance

Brian McNair & Stephen Harrington Audiences like spontaneity and accessibility in their politicians. They tell us this in the research we political communication scholars do, and one doesn’t need a…

Rudd v Abbott - first impressions

If TV debates were won on the delivery of detail about policy, Kevin Rudd would have won this debate hands down. It poured out of him in long, wordy paragraphs, too fast to really take in. But if presentation…


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