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Southern Cross University

Southern Cross University is a contemporary and connected regional research university, with remarkable campus locations - Coffs Harbour and Lismore in New South Wales and the uniquely situated Gold Coast Airport campus in southern Queensland. Our regional environs provide living laboratories for learning and research and creative hubs for artistic endeavour. Southern Cross University has a growing research profile, with 24 research areas identified ‘at or above world standard’ in the most recent Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) national evaluation. Our research strengths include disciplines as diverse as plant genetics, zoology, geoscience, oceanography, engineering, nursing, and complementary and alternative medicine.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 362 articles

Hedonisme tidak hanya tentang seks, narkoba, dan rock ‘n’ roll. Bisa juga tentang menikmati kenikmatan secangkir teh di penghujung hari yang melelahkan. ShutterStock

Apa itu hedonisme dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap kesehatan?

Menikmati kesenangan dalam hidup berkaitan dengan kesehatan dan kesejahteraan yang lebih baik, tidak selalu berarti pesta minuman keras atau pesta liar sepanjang malam.
Brendan Beirne

Supermarket shelves were empty for months after the Lismore floods. Here’s how to make supply chains more resilient

When the roads flooded around Lismore, it left supermarket shelves empty for months. Keeping everyone fed took a huge community effort. Now we need to make food supply secure.


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