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Southern Cross University

Southern Cross University is a contemporary and connected regional research university, with remarkable campus locations - Coffs Harbour and Lismore in New South Wales and the uniquely situated Gold Coast Airport campus in southern Queensland. Our regional environs provide living laboratories for learning and research and creative hubs for artistic endeavour. Southern Cross University has a growing research profile, with 24 research areas identified ‘at or above world standard’ in the most recent Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) national evaluation. Our research strengths include disciplines as diverse as plant genetics, zoology, geoscience, oceanography, engineering, nursing, and complementary and alternative medicine.


Displaying 121 - 140 of 362 articles

Djenj Project Gunbalanya School Trip. L-R Leeanna Namarnyilk, Diondre Cooper, Hayley Brinjin, Dionica Cooper, Morgan Disspain, Imogen Mangiru, Sharni Dirdi. Lynley Wallis

School of fish: how we involved Indigenous students in our investigation of a 65,000-year-old site

Archaeologists had some questions about an ancient Aboriginal site. So they involved the community and local school kids on their search for answers.

The Morrison government wants to suck CO₂ out of the atmosphere. Here are 7 ways to do it

Energy Minister Angus Taylor is this week expected to release the government’s first Low Emissions Technology Statement. It’s likely to include ways to remove CO₂ from the air – but do they work?
Lebah pekerja dengan sarang tertutup (cokelat), sarang terbuka (larva putih), dan berbagai jenis serbuk warna-warni dan nektar yang segar dan mengkilap. Cooper Schouten

Bagaimana lebah memproduksi madu?

Satu koloni lebah dapat mencapai 60000 ekor. Mereka dapat mengunjungi 50 juta bunga per hari untuk mengumpulkan serbuk sari dan nektar. Mereka tidak disebut lebah sibuk tanpa alasan!
Worker bees with capped brood (brown), open brood (white larva), all sorts of coloured pollen and shiny fresh nectar. Cooper Schouten

Curious Kids: how do bees make honey?

A single colony of bees can have 60,000 bees in it. Together, they can visit up to 50 million flowers each day to collect pollen and nectar. They’re not called ‘busy bees’ for nothing!


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