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Southern Cross University

Southern Cross University is a contemporary and connected regional research university, with remarkable campus locations - Coffs Harbour and Lismore in New South Wales and the uniquely situated Gold Coast Airport campus in southern Queensland. Our regional environs provide living laboratories for learning and research and creative hubs for artistic endeavour. Southern Cross University has a growing research profile, with 24 research areas identified ‘at or above world standard’ in the most recent Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) national evaluation. Our research strengths include disciplines as diverse as plant genetics, zoology, geoscience, oceanography, engineering, nursing, and complementary and alternative medicine.


Displaying 141 - 160 of 362 articles

Life and death in tropical Australia, 40,000 years ago. Giant reptiles ruled northern Australia during the Pleistocene with mega-marsupials as their prey. Image Credit: R. Bargiel, V. Konstantinov, A. Atuchin & S. Hocknull (2020). Queensland Museum.

Humans coexisted with three-tonne marsupials and lizards as long as cars in ancient Australia

These megafauna were the largest land animals to live in Australia since the time of the dinosaurs.
Sebuah tengkorak ~2 Ma Homo erectus, disebut juga dengan DNH 134, dari situs fosil Hominin Drimolen. Matthew V. Caruana

Penemuan fosil terkini: Homo erectus bisa jadi sudah ada 200.000 tahun lebih dahulu

Ini adalah temuan besar yang penting. Salah satu dari nenek moyang kita bisa jadi berasal dari Afrika Selatan.
The ~2 Ma Homo erectus cranium, DNH 134, from the Drimolen Fossil Hominin site. Matthew V. Caruana

Fossil find suggests Homo erectus emerged 200,000 years earlier than thought

This is a hugely important find. It means that one of our earlier ancestors possibly originated in southern Africa.
Koalas have long featured in tourism ads, including this new one from Tourism Australia. Amid our bushfire crisis, this digital ad has been ‘paused’. Tourism Australia

Koalas are the face of Australian tourism. What now after the fires?

Koalas take a starring role in Australian tourism advertising – but what happens when our primary image of this animal is one of pain and destruction?
Some publicly accessible spaces are actually privately owned public spaces such as Brisbane’s popular South Bank city beach and streets scene. Flickr/Thirumurugan P

Explainer: What is public space and why does it need protecting?

As you walk about a city are you in public or private space? The line is often blurred.
« Pas de nature, pas de futur ». Des étudiants brandissent cette pancarte devant le parlement européen de Strasbourg le 15 mars 2019. Patrick Hertzog / AFP

Pourquoi les universités doivent déclarer l’état d’urgence écologique et climatique

Onze universitaires du monde entier déclarent que les universités ont la responsabilité de préparer les étudiants à un avenir incertain.


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