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Southern Cross University

Southern Cross University is a contemporary and connected regional research university, with remarkable campus locations - Coffs Harbour and Lismore in New South Wales and the uniquely situated Gold Coast Airport campus in southern Queensland. Our regional environs provide living laboratories for learning and research and creative hubs for artistic endeavour. Southern Cross University has a growing research profile, with 24 research areas identified ‘at or above world standard’ in the most recent Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) national evaluation. Our research strengths include disciplines as diverse as plant genetics, zoology, geoscience, oceanography, engineering, nursing, and complementary and alternative medicine.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 362 articles

Examples of Australian landscapes. Unsplash

We reconstructed landscapes that greeted the first humans in Australia around 65,000 years ago

By detailing the landscape at the time of first humans’ migration into Australia, we can better understand how people travelled and where they settled.
Arthur Jafa, Love is the Message, The Message is Death (video still), 2016, single-channel digital video, colour, sound, 7min 25sec. Courtesy the artist and Gladstone Gallery, New York.

The video art of Arthur Jafa: a counterpunch to anyone who wants to put people of colour in their place

Love Is the Message, the Message Is Death is undeniably rousing; a love song to identity as an unrestricted thing, capable of being motivated by awe and rebellion.
Artist’s impression of a group of Gigantopithecus blacki in a forest in southern China. Garcia/Joannes-Boyau (Southern Cross University)

Giant ‘kings of apes’ once roamed southern China. We solved the mystery of their extinction

What happened to the three-metre tall apes that once lived alongside orangutans? A new study suggests they were too slow to adapt to a changing world.
Henrique Oliveira, Brazil b.1973. Corupira 2023, commissioned for ‘Fairy Tales’, installation (detail), Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA) Brisbane 2023. Plywood, tapumes veneer and tree branches. Courtesy: Henrique Oliveira. © Henrique Oliveira. Photograph: C Callistemon © QAGOMA.

Fairy Tales at QAGOMA: how we revived these stories with new myths, new media and new quirks

Fairy Tales focuses on how artists, designers and filmmakers have taken inspiration from fantasy motifs, adapting the fairy tale vocabulary of extremes to their own artistic needs.


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