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Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington

Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington is one of New Zealand’s oldest and most prestigious tertiary institutions with a proud tradition of academic excellence. Through excellent teaching, research, scholarship, public service and entrepreneurship, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington’s vision is to be a world-leading capital city university and one of the great global-civic universities.


Displaying 281 - 300 of 421 articles


Creating new social divides: how coronavirus is reshaping how we see ourselves and the world around us

Imagine you could only travel if you can prove COVID-19 immunity. The pandemic is already creating new social divides, and it is important we stay alert to their possible ramifications.

Delight, relief and caution: six experts on New Zealand’s move to ease its coronavirus lockdown

New Zealand will begin easing its national lockdown from next Tuesday, after an extra five days of some of the world’s strictest COVID-19 restrictions. Six NZ experts give their take on the news.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, speaking alongside Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison in February 2020. Bianca De Marchi/AAP

New Zealand outstrips Australia, UK and US with $12 billion coronavirus package for business and people in isolation

New Zealand will spend NZ$12.1 billion – or 4% of its GDP – to support businesses, increase benefits for seniors and low-income families, pay people in self-isolation, and boost health care capacity.
Pertamina tankers at Kertosono train station. ikhlasulamal/flickr

Ethical leadership is needed to restore the integrity of Indonesian SOEs

The new SOE Minister is trying to put ethical leaders into SOEs, but finding leaders that have a clean record and free from controversy is not easy.
Tanker-tanker milik Pertamina di stasiun Kertosono. ikhlasulamal/flickr

Kepemimpinan yang beretika diperlukan untuk memulihkan integritas BUMN

Menteri BUMN yang baru berupaya menanamkan kepemimpinan yang beretika di BUMN, tetapi menemukan pemimpin yang memiliki rekam jejak bersih dan bebas kontroversi bukanlah perkara mudah.
Pegawai kesehatan Thailand menunggu penumpang internasional tiba. Semua menunjukkan sebuah reaksi berlebihan global pada krisis ini, dan menyebabkan dampak ekonomi yang lebih besar. Rungroj Yongrit/EPA

Ketakutan menyebar luas dan cepat: dampak ekonomi dari coronavirus Wuhan

Bukti awal menunjukan bahwa coronavirus Wuhan tidak semematikan SARS. Tapi dengan adanya social media, kepanikan sekarang menyebar cepat dan luas.
Thai health officials await passengers arriving on international flights. All signs point to a global overreaction to this crisis, and therefore to an amplified economic impact. Rungroj Yongrit/EPA

Fear spreads easily. That’s what gives the Wuhan coronavirus economic impact

The preliminary evidence suggests the Wuhan coronavirus is less deadly than SARS. But with social media, panic can now spread more rapidly and further.
AI systems may soon be able to generate texts that can pass for human work. Such technology has many positives, but could also result in widespread generation of false texts (including fake news). SHUTTERSTOCK

OK computer: to prevent students cheating with AI text-generators, we should bring them into the classroom

AI-powered text generators are becoming increasingly easy to access. Rather than banning their use by students, educators should think about incorporating such tools into their curriculums.
An analysis of some of the most serious cases of financial fraud in New Zealand shows white-collar offenders received discounted sentences despite a range of aggravating factors. from

Why New Zealand courts should take poverty into account in sentencing decisions

A New Zealand Court of Appeal decision set a precedent last month. Offenders who can prove their personal addiction played a role in their crime are now eligible for a shorter sentence.
While tariffs have a direct impact on exporters in the US and China, third-party countries like New Zealand are more affected by non-tariff barriers. EPA/Aleksandar Plavevski

NZ remains unscathed by US-China trade war, but that’s no reason for complacency

So far, New Zealand exporters have not been affected by the trade war between the US and China, but the Hong Kong crisis could easily embroil any foreign company.
Critics of assisted suicide often raise moral objections while proponents focus on the trauma of terminally ill patients. But all arguments have a long history. from

As NZ votes on euthanasia bill, here is a historical perspective on a ‘good death’

The arguments in favour or against euthanasia have a long history, going back to the Hippocratic oath that doctors still swear today.


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