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Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington

Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington is one of New Zealand’s oldest and most prestigious tertiary institutions with a proud tradition of academic excellence. Through excellent teaching, research, scholarship, public service and entrepreneurship, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University of Wellington’s vision is to be a world-leading capital city university and one of the great global-civic universities.


Displaying 221 - 240 of 421 articles

Jeffrey Shima

Under the moonlight: a little light and shade helps larval fish to grow at night

Young fish need to find food to grow, but avoid being eaten themselves. That dance for survival is linked to moonlight, which has implications for fisheries management everywhere.

Even in a ‘water-rich’ country like New Zealand, some cities could face water shortages this summer

Given long-term forecasts for growing urban populations and an increasingly variable climate, local authorities will have to think about how best to encourage people to conserve water.
Les emballages plastiques à usage unique sont polluants et difficiles à recycler. Shutterstock

Plastiques : la délicate question du « cycle de vie » des emballages

L’analyse cycle de vie des emballages alimentaires omet souvent l’impact et la toxicité éventuelle des fuites de plastique dans l’environnement. Ce qui donne aux plastiques un avantage injustifié.

We examined the research evidence on 111 autism early intervention approaches. Here’s what we found

Our landmark new report examined the evidence (or lack thereof) behind certain interventions, but applying it to individual children and families requires a tailored approach.


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