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The University of Western Australia

The University of Western Australia (UWA) is a leading Australian research university and has an international reputation for excellence, innovation and enterprise. UWA is committed to the achievement of the highest quality research and scholarship at international standards of excellence.


Displaying 1221 - 1240 of 2146 articles

A colour image of G63349, one of the galaxies in the survey, created using near-infrared (VISTA telescope) and optical (Sloan telescope) data collated by the GAMA survey. (The bright green object is a nearby star.) ICRAR/GAMA

Don’t panic, but the universe is slowly dying

Our universe’s most exciting days are well behind us, with new research showing the universe is now slowly but surely dying.
AAP/Dan Peled

Coal: here and now versus there and then

The Federal Court’s decision to overturn the Adani Group’s federal environmental approval to build the A$16 billion Carmichael coal mine in Queensland highlights policy issues that have a significance…
EPA/Justin Lane

Is world government the only hope?

Surveying the current world order, one might be forgiven for thinking that it is essentially ungovernable. Chaos, conflict and crises seem to be the order of the day. The phrase “international order” seems…
It might be nice if buying the right to emit greenhouse pollution could be made a bit simpler. Oleandra/

Politics aside, a simple carbon tax makes more sense than a convoluted emissions trading scheme

The term ‘carbon tax’ is a political poison in Australia, thanks to the previous carbon tax which was actually an emissions trading scheme. Yet ironically, many economists prefer a tax over an ETS anyway.
AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Foreign policy and the ALP national conference

Foreign policy occupied a surprisingly prominent and controversial place at the ALP national conference. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, the most contentious topic was asylum seeker policy – an issue that invariably…
The ALP’s national conference, held in Melbourne over the weekend, was Bill Shorten’s first as Labor leader. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

ALP national conference: experts respond

The Conversation’s experts respond to the ALP national conference on matters of asylum seekers, health, education, party reform and more.
The major impediment to realising the ideal of good general practice is that few patients understand it. Alex Proimos/Flickr

What you should expect from your GP

Australia spent $16 billion on GP-related health care in 2012-13. Given that our public health system means each of us is paying for health care through our taxes, what should we expect from doctors?
Vasopressin may be used to treat social deficits in children with autism. kids with ball, from

Autistic kids low on vital social hormone, study suggests

Increasing autistic children’s levels of vasopressin, a hormone that regulates social behaviour, could help treat the social deficits common to autism, research suggests.
AAP/Haibin Wong

Thinking big in Beijing

“Awesome” may be the most abused and over-used word in recent history. For once, however, it seems appropriate. The news that Chinese authorities are contemplating creating a new megalopolis of some 130…


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