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The University of Western Australia

The University of Western Australia (UWA) is a leading Australian research university and has an international reputation for excellence, innovation and enterprise. UWA is committed to the achievement of the highest quality research and scholarship at international standards of excellence.


Displaying 1161 - 1180 of 2146 articles

EPA/CJ Gunther

China goes ballistic

China’s not happy. Normally that sort of phrase is pretty meaningless. Clearly not everyone in China has the same view on anything – with the possible exception of its territorial claims in the South China…
The anti-communist pogrom in Indonesia 50 years ago not only destroyed human lives but also significant cultural works made by the country’s left-inspired artists. Molodec/

Death of a film legacy: remembering Indonesia’s Bachtiar Siagian

Arguably Indonesia’s most significant leftist film director and theorist, Bachtiar Siagian, was among the millions who fell prey to the communist purge carried out between 1965 and 1966.
China is Australia’s most important trading partner and a growing source of investment. AAP/Lukas Coch

Book review: Takeover – Foreign Investment and the Australian Psyche

The “national interest”, at least as far as economic policy is concerned, has always been a contested compromise and a consequence of the relative political influence of domestic forces.
EPA/Rolex Dela Pena

Is an effective United Nations still the only hope?

Bombing Syria seems to have become obligatory for any aspiring great power. After all, what’s the point in spending all that money on sophisticated warplanes if you can’t actually use them on someone…
The exclusion of China from the TPP comes from the dominance of protectionist interests, such as the US agricultural sector. Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

Oh no, we forgot about China - the flaw at the centre of the TPP

If the Trans-Pacific Partnership was really about economic growth, it would include China, rather than deliberately locking it out.
Fanfiction: all it takes is to imagine a story beyond the canonical work. Kristina Alexanderson/flickr

Explainer: what is fanfiction?

Fanfiction is nebulous, confusing and often mocked. It’s also explosively popular. So what is it?
EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga

Corbyn’s radical defence policies

Jeremy Corbyn is an interesting chap. He doesn’t look all that dangerous, but he seems to have frightened the life out of the British establishment, not to mention his own political party. True, some would…
The dawn of a reborn emissions trading scheme led by South Australia is not as unfeasible as Premier Jay Weatherill suggests. Adam Trevorrow/Wikimedia Commons

As China launches a national emissions trading scheme, Australian states threaten to go back to the future

Australia used to have state-based emissions trading schemes, before they were ditched in favour of the now-abandoned national one. State premiers might say there’s no way to resurrect them, but there is.
New Assistant Minister for Innovation, Wyatt Roy, has his sights set on Silicon Valley. AAP Image/Lukas Coch for Buzzfeed

Startup nation: the rhetoric and the reality

The new Assistant Minister for Innovation, Wyatt Roy, wants to promote tech start-ups in Australia. But is that such a prudent policy?
Chinese President Xi Jinping has announced pledged to adopt a national emissions trading scheme from 2017. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS/AAP

China announces national emissions trading scheme – experts react

China, the world’s biggest greenhouse emitter, will set up a national emissions trading scheme beginning in 2017. Our experts react to the announcement, made during President Xi Jinping’s US state visit.
David Leyonhjelm is chairing the Senate inquiry into ‘Personal Choice and Community Impacts’. AAP/Sam Mooy

Is the minimal state a reasonable response to the nanny state?

We don’t know what will come out of the Senate inquiry into the ‘nanny state’, but we do have some idea about what Australia would look like based on libertarian principles.

When worlds collide

The meeting between the leaders of China and the United States has rapidly become the gold standard for set-piece diplomatic extravaganzas. Xi Jinping and Barack Obama are, after all, the two most powerful…


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