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The University of Western Australia

The University of Western Australia (UWA) is a leading Australian research university and has an international reputation for excellence, innovation and enterprise. UWA is committed to the achievement of the highest quality research and scholarship at international standards of excellence.


Displaying 1321 - 1340 of 2146 articles

EPA/Laurent Gillieron

Jaw-jaw still beats war-war

Churchill’s famous aphorism that it’s better to jaw-jaw than to war-war has never been more apposite or timely. Although the usual suspects are queueing up to criticise the agreement between Iran and various…
AAP/Gabrielle Brassard-Lecours

Is capitalism killing us?

Modern life is full of ironies, paradoxes and what Marxists used to call “contradictions”. Perhaps the greatest contradiction of all time is the possibility that the capitalist system is not only incompatible…
Conservative Christians and evangelicals might want to claim freehold over the Bible – but it’s a text for many readers, even atheists. Bobby McKay/Flickr

Religion par excellence: can the Bible be useful to atheists?

Why does an atheist literary scholar need to know about the Bible? It’s a text with innumerable interpretative possibilities that allows readers to connect ‘the apparently unconnectable’.
AAP/Jason Reed

AIIB: Abbott’s incredible investment backflip

Even for a government that has recently made an artform of policy backflips, the Abbott government’s belated, but seemingly inevitable decision to join China’s proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment…
Empire, currently screening on Channel Ten, is throwing stereotypes to the wind and presenting strong drama that is black, queer, and diverse. Channel Ten

In your face: Empire is proving diversity isn’t a dirty word

Empire, a TV drama about a black hip-hop star turned music mogul, is breaking new ground by foregrounding ‘risky’ issues around race, sexuality and class.
Even in retirement, the late Lee Kuan Yew cast a long shadow from which Singapore has yet to fully emerge. EPA/Stephen Morrison

Lee Kuan Yew leaves behind an ambiguous legacy in Singapore

Lee Kuan Yew literally helped put Singapore on the map. Its subsequent influence far outstrips the tiny island’s geopolitical significance.
Malcolm Fraser has passed away at the age of 84. AAP/NAA

Malcolm Fraser’s life and legacy: experts respond

In his time in office, Malcolm Fraser oversaw the acceptance of southeast Asian refugees and led economic and social welfare reforms.
Housing security matters for older Australians like the residents of Millers Point, Sydney, who fear having to make way for development. AAP/Hugh Peterswald

Suitable, affordable housing is key to our population ageing well

Without affordable and secure housing that meets the needs of older Australians, the nation cannot hope to sustain the productivity that is needed to secure future prosperity.
Massachusetts couple Marcia Hams and her partner Susan Shepard had a cake to celebrate their historic first same-sex wedding in 2004, but some bakers feel unable to oblige on religious grounds. EPA C.J. Gunther

Cakegate: a story of the clash of religious freedom and gay rights

When a baker refuses, on religious grounds, to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple, the right to freedom of religion comes into conflict with the right to freedom from discrimination.
Under former president Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan was little more than a ‘vertically integrated criminal organisation’, according to a new book. EPA/Parwiz Sabawoon

Book review: Thieves of State – Why Corruption Threatens Global Security

Corruption can directly contribute to the growth of the very forces the world’s security agencies are desperately trying to contain and combat.
A new research expedition is documenting the deep-sea denizens of the Perth Canyon, such as this flytrap anemone and basket star. UWA/Schmidt Ocean Institute

We are finally learning the Perth Canyon’s deep-sea secrets

The Perth Canyon, off Australia’s west coast, is twice the size of the Grand Canyon. But only now, with the help of remote-controlled submarines, are researchers finding out what lives in its depths.


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