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The University of Western Australia

The University of Western Australia (UWA) is a leading Australian research university and has an international reputation for excellence, innovation and enterprise. UWA is committed to the achievement of the highest quality research and scholarship at international standards of excellence.


Displaying 1501 - 1520 of 2146 articles

Self-taught artist Stan Hopewell in his studio. Photo: Frances Andrijich

Stan Hopewell – an artist facing the stars and reaching the unknown

This is an edited extract from Ted Snell’s book, Stan Hopewell: Facing the Stars. This is a love story! It is the story of Stan Hopewell and his beloved wife Joyce, a couple whose lives intertwined during…

Don’t mention the war

Whatever you think about the Abbott government, one of its more surprising features is that foreign policy looks like its strongest suit. True, this may not be setting the bar terribly high given the unproductive…
The Anglican Church has responded to the Royal Commission by allowing priests in some circumstances to report confessions of sexual abuse. AAP/Jeremy Piper

Anglican shift on confessions puts abuse victims’ interests first

The Australian Anglican Church has put the interests of children and victims of crime ahead of tradition and doctrine. Priests who hear confessions about serious criminal offences, including child abuse…
The uses for Bitcoin are in their infancy and show signs of the “terrible twos” syndrome. Image sourced from

Exploring the nascent future of Bitcoin (VIDEO)

In terms of a life-cycle of technology, it is easy to see Bitcoin as being at the same developmental stage as babies going through the “terrible twos”. All of its technological possibility lies ahead…
Arp220 is a nearby Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy similar to what ALESS65 would look like if it were closer to Earth. NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration, and A. Evans (University of Virginia, Charlottesville/NRAO/Stony Brook University)

Red and dead future for a galaxy running out of star fuel

A galaxy more than 12 billion light years from Earth is heading for a “red and dead” future because it is running out of the fuel needed to make new stars. The galaxy, known as ALESS65, is an ultra-luminous…
How do we make sense of numbers without stats? Jeffrey/Flickr

Statistics is more than a numbers game – it underpins all sciences

AUSTRALIA 2025: How will science address the challenges of the future? In collaboration with Australia’s chief scientist Ian Chubb, we’re asking how each science discipline will contribute to Australia…
Newborn hearing screening usually takes place in maternity wards while the baby is settled or asleep. Kimberly/Flickr

Newborn hearing screening vital for giving babies the best start

Between one and three of every 1,000 newborns will have a significant, permanent hearing loss. These babies have a six-month window of opportunity for treatment that will allow them to retain their developmental…
The once-popular Loch McNess north of Perth has dried up almost completely after a decades-long dry period. ron_n_beth/Flickr

Saving water in a drying climate: lessons from south-west Australia

Since 1970, average rainfall in the south-west of Western Australia has decreased by nearly a fifth, and the science suggests that this is linked to human-caused climate change. Across Australia, CSIRO…
The question of how to verify Indigenous rock art lies at the heart of an environmental dispute in the Blue Mountains. Ashley Wilson

Is it a fake? The tricky business of authenticating rock art

This week, The Australian reported that a hand stencil found in a controversial coal mining development in the Blue Mountains was a “fake”. The story has also been reported by the BBC and was picked up…
Google’s recent developers conference has seen it go past Apple in the battle for tech supremacy. Robert Scoble/Flickr

The tech developer’s World Cup: Google 2, Apple 1

Following on from Apple’s developer conference held earlier this month, Google has now had its chance to respond to Apple’s agenda with its own vision for the coming tech landscape. The keynote speech…
An exhibition of the Fremantle realists sheds new light on the work of this pioneering group. Ken Wadrop, Action painting , 1978, acrylic paint on canvas, 92 x 123.5 cm. Fremantle Arts Centre

The Fremantle artists who found new ways of seeing the everyday

There is a sense of elation when you see something familiar as if for the first time. Looking is one thing but seeing is something entirely different and for the three Western Australian artists identified…
Could Bitcoin turn banking on its head? Elentari86/Flickr

Banking’s huge profits almost ready for the taking

Australia’s big four banks are the most profitable in the world. Last year they made A$27 billion in profit, up 9.5% on the previous year. Tech leaders in Australia say the financial industry is ripe for…
Motorcycles drive by billboards of presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto and his running mate Hatta Rajasa. AAP Image/NEWZULU/W.F SRIHARDIAN

Will Indonesia see a return of the strongman?

Until recently, the prospect of Prabowo Subianto winning Indonesia’s presidential election seemed far fetched. All eyes were on ‘Jokowi’ (Joko Widodo), the Jakarta governor who has enjoyed a commanding…


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