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University College Cork

UCC was established in 1845 as one of three Queen’s Colleges at Cork, Galway and Belfast. It is an internationally competitive, research-led university that plays a key role in the development of Ireland’s knowledge-based economy. Our institutional research strategy focuses on creating and supporting world-leading clusters of researchers, building on the research strengths of the University, and is aligned with key Government strategies including the Strategy for Higher Education to 2030 (Hunt Report), and Ireland’s Strategy for Research and Development, Science and Technology, Innovation 2020.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 161 articles

Mengembangkan sistem transportasi umum yang terjangkau dan mudah diakses sangat penting untuk memitigasi perubahan iklim. 3005398/Pixabay

Untuk mencegah pemanasan global tidak hanya cukup gunakan mobil listrik, transportasi umum yang lebih baik juga perlu dikembangkan

Dari bus di Bogotá, Kolombia hingga bersepeda melalui Cambridge, Inggris, kita dapat memetik pelajaran berharga dari bagaimana negara-negara di seluruh dunia menyediakan transportasi berkelanjutan.


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