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University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki is one of the best multidisciplinary research universities in the world. The high-quality research carried out by the university creates new knowledge for educating diverse specialists in various fields, and for utilisation in social decision-making and the business sector.

The University of Helsinki is an international academic community of 40,000 students and staff members. It operates on four campuses in Helsinki and at 17 other locations.

Founded in 1640, the University of Helsinki wants to strengthen its position among the world’s leading multidisciplinary research universities and to actively promote the well-being of humanity and a fair society.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 28 articles

Climate conferences provide platforms for collaboration among countries, venues for interaction across levels of governance and critical events to mobilize civil society and media coverage. (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)

COP27 failed. So why continue with these UN climate summits?

There have been 27 UN COP meetings. Despite these negotiations, the planet is on target to exceed emission thresholds for global warming. Given these failures, why continue with this process?
In some African countries, lion trophy hunting is legal. Riaan van den Berg

Recreational hunting, conservation and livelihoods: no clear evidence trail

Debates centred on the role of recreational hunting in supporting nature conservation and local people’s livelihoods are among the most polarising in conservation today.
Lobo ibérico. Isabeau Ottolini

Mediar entre humanos para conservar a los lobos

La nueva Estrategia para la Conservación y Gestión del Lobo en España puede generar nuevas tensiones entre los grupos sociales involucrados, relacionadas frecuentemente con procesos poco participativos.
The keeper of hundreds of Kwakwaka’wakw songs, Kwaksistalla Wathl’thla (Clan Chief Adam Dick), chanting at a feast (qui’las) with Mayanilh (Dr. Daisy Sewid-Smith). (Bert Crowfoot)

Indigenous song keepers reveal traditional ecological knowledge in music

Ancestral Indigenous songs often encode territorial responsibilities and rights, such as in relationship with ‘lokiwey’ (coastal clam gardens) on the Pacific Northwest Coast.

Así se ha convertido la trashumancia en una pieza fundamental de los ecosistemas

Los movimientos de ganado contribuyen a la mitigación de incendios forestales, a la dispersión de semillas y a la conservación de polinizadores y otros insectos de gran valor ecológico.
Maasai women on a conservation project in Kenya. Joan de la Malla

Indigenous peoples are crucial for conservation – a quarter of all land is in their hands

A new map shows that more than 25% of all land outside Antarctica is held and managed by Indigenous peoples. This makes these communities vital allies in the global conservation effort.


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