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University of South Australia

The University of South Australia is Australia’s University of Enterprise on the global stage, agile and astute, known for relevance, equity and excellence.

We educate and prepare learners from all backgrounds, instilling professional skills and knowledge, and capacity and drive for lifelong learning.

Our research is inspired by contemporary challenges and opportunities which deliver economic and social benefits that also inform our teaching. We operate through a partnered, end-user informed culture of teaching and research with a commitment to outstanding service, continuous improvement and sustainability.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 812 articles

Comme la course sur tapis roulant vous oblige à supporter le poids de votre corps, elle contribue également à la formation et à l’entretien de vos os. (Shutterstock)

Tapis roulant, vélo d’intérieur, rameur : quelle est la meilleure option pour faire du cardio à la maison ?

Si vous envisagez d’acheter un appareil de cardio pour vos séances d’entraînement à domicile, voici les avantages et les inconvénients.


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