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University of Sydney

Established in 1850, the University of Sydney was Australia’s first tertiary education institution. It is committed to maximising the potential of its students, teachers and researchers for the benefit of Australia and the wider world.


Displaying 4301 - 4320 of 4806 articles

The vast majority of children that get measles will overcome it, but in some cases it can prove fatal. Dave Haygarth/Flickr

Measles outbreak calls for vaccination vigilance

As a fail-safe mechanism, parents should be required to show proof their children have been immunised against measles before they are allowed to start school, says infectious diseases expert and director…
It’s easy to put open-access publishing on a pedestal, but it’s important to consider the ramifications first. smileham

Open-access science: be careful what you wish for

In recent weeks we’ve seen a renewed push to introduce open access to science research publications. The concept is simple: research that is paid for by public funds should be made freely available, not…

The ignored topics in the presidential debates

There are some important topics that are likely to be ignored in the series of three presidential debates this month, but that do deserve attention: American drone attacks: “Democrats spent several days…
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney had the edge over President Barack Obama in Wednesday night’s presidential debate. EPA/Shawn Thew

Round 1 to the Republican: Romney comes out swinging

Verdicts on the first presidential debate of 2012 overwhelmingly favour Governor Mitt Romney. Romney articulated his message with a sense of clarity about the political ideas and principles he represents…
af f bd b.

Thailand: One Country, Two Prime Ministers

The day before I’m due to interview Somsri Hananuntasuk in steamy downtown Bangkok, mean-faced riot police crushed a public rally of red-shirted pro-government protesters and their yellow-shirted opponents…
What can Mitt Romney learn from previous candidates that trailed but won? EPA/Michael Reynolds

What can Romney learn from past comebacks?

With Mitt Romney entering October as the decided underdog it seems fitting to revisit some past presidential election comebacks. And while these cases are entertaining in and of themselves, they also offer…
Mitt Romney, flanked by Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul during a Republican candidates’ debate last year, needs a strong performance in this month’s debates against Barack Obama to save his campaign. EPA/CJ Gunther

Presidential debates loom as Romney’s last best hope

The US presidential election is almost over before the best part – the presidential debates. With Barack Obama looking almost unbeatable at the beginning of October, Republican candidate Mitt Romney’s…
“There is a dire need for new and more effective drugs to improve the quality of life of people with pain.” sedeer

Black mamba snake venom could hold the key to new pain therapies

One of the world’s most poisonous snakes might hold the key to new pain therapies in its venom. As ironic as that sounds, a protein component in black mamba venom called “mambalgin” has been shown – in…
Former governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson is running for president as the Libertarian Party’s nominee, but are third parties relevant in US politics? Flickr/Gage Skidmore

Why disappointment and dissent can’t break the two party system

On Election Day in 2012 many Americans will vote against a candidate they hate, not in favour of a candidate they like. This is often the case. During the 2004 contest between George W. Bush and John Kerry…
Research shows sports sponsorship works to improve brand recall and positive attitudes among children and adolescents.

Sports sponsorship and kids’ health: who are the real winners?

Over the weekend, Australian children and their parents witnessed some of the country’s finest sportsmen display feats of strength, skill and endurance in the Australian Football League (AFL) and National…
px Donald Trump by Gage Skidmore.

Mitt Romney and the 50.1%

Mitt Romney has a percentage problem. And it’s not the 47%. Well, it’s not only the 47%. Responding to those now-infamous fundraiser comments, Romney trotted out another percent that reveals much more…
Kylie Minogue’s very public battle with breast cancer led to more women getting screened. AAP

Can celebrities be good for public health? Experts face off

Celebrities can successfully help promote public health say experts, despite questions about the long-term benefit that might be delivered from hiring a publicity magnet to promote a cause. In two articles…
Science should be conducted outside its walled garden, in full view of the public. lovelihood

Scientific data should be shared: an open letter to the ARC

Science (real science, not the summaries in popular books and the media) is needlessly closed to the outside world. Worse, it is closed within itself, with every lab its own silo, and little sharing of…
Being the boss isn’t so bad - if you’re in control. AAP

Leadership not so stressful: study

Being in charge might not be as stressful as is often assumed, reveals a new study from researchers at Harvard University. The study, published in journal PNAS today, found that leaders had lower levels…

Could the ground game rescue Romney?

Analysis during campaign season centres on two things: what candidates say and how they’re performing in polls. We pay far less attention to the nuts-and-bolts of local organising. Yet the ground game…

The Origins of Monitory Democracy

India’s most respected public intellectual Ashis Nandy recently appealed to his fellow citizens to recognise and deal with a spreading malady in Indian politics. He calls it ‘psephocracy’. The quality…
Australian household energy use increased by more than 30% in the past two decades. ctandjung/Flickr

Electricity and the power of choice - for whom?

Electricity prices are a hot topic. Prices have skyrocketed in recent years and politicians have finally realised that people are struggling to pay energy bills. Power of Choice, an Australian Energy Market…
West Papuan activists protesting at the Hague for independence of the Indonesian-held province. Apdency/Wikimedia Commons

All the ingredients for genocide: is West Papua the next East Timor?

Allegations that Australia is funding death squads in West Papua have brought the troubled province back to Australian attention. Blanket denials by both Indonesian and Australian governments – standard…
NSW premier Barry O'Farrell’s government is under pressure to deliver on infrastructure projects. AAP/Dean Lewins

Transport master plan could backfire for O'Farrell government

The O'Farrell government’s new Transport Master Plan may be grounded in realism, but it is an election loser. The plan, which has been brewing since the change of government, puts the construction of new…


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