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University of Sydney

Established in 1850, the University of Sydney was Australia’s first tertiary education institution. It is committed to maximising the potential of its students, teachers and researchers for the benefit of Australia and the wider world.


Displaying 1241 - 1260 of 4809 articles

Over 90 per cent of Canadian doctors see pharmaceutical sales representatives. (Shutterstock)

Guidelines governing Canadian doctors’ relationships with pharma companies under review

Patients have a stake in the relationship between doctors and pharmaceutical companies, so the CMA’s current review of its guidelines for doctor/pharma interactions is everybody’s business.
Experts say encouraging physical activity should be a priority. Getty Images

Getting people more active is key to better health: here are 8 areas for investment

Being physically active is largely not an individual choice, but a result of what funds, spaces, places and opportunities are available to the individual and communities.
Joe Biden et sa vice-présidente Kamala Harris auront la lourde tâche d'apaiser une société dont les deux camps se regardent en chiens de faïence. AAP/AP/Carolyn Kaster

Joe Biden saura-t-il réconcilier les Américains ?

La victoire de Joe Biden ne suffit évidemment pas, à elle seule, à mettre fin aux profondes divisions de la société américaine.


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