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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 2241 - 2260 of 4198 articles

The stereotype of a dependent generation who won’t leave home overlooks the many reasons adult family members choose to live together in the one house. SpeedKingz from

Why adult children stay at home: looking beyond the myths of kidults, kippers and gestaters

The stereotype of a dependent generation who won’t leave home ignores the many reasons adult family members choose to live together in the one house.
The problem with the current rezoning approach is that it leads to huge windfall profits and developments aimed at the upper end of the market. AAP

Sydney needs higher affordable housing targets

The community needs affordable housing and that requires meaningful targets for new developments. The only ones who will lose out are landholders who make windfall profits from rezoning.
The United States and Australia should abandon the TPP and focus their efforts on trade deals that take a prudent approach to market access. Mark Kauzlarich/Reuters

Why Trump is right, and wrong, about killing off the TPP

The United States and other countries are right to reject the TPP, but President-elect Donald Trump’s claims about it are misguided.

Selfie is not a dirty word

Selfies are blamed for encouraging everything from risky behaviour to rampant narcissism. But selfies can be potent acts of self-communication – and anyway, is self-regard a bad thing?


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