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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 3521 - 3540 of 4190 articles

Nearly a third of agriculture workers are over 55. Image from

A more sustainable Australia: staying in work as we age

**A more sustainable Australia* As we hit the half-way mark of the 2013 election campaign, we’ve asked academics to look at some of the long-term issues affecting Australia – the issues that will shape…
A salmon makes an unfortunate leap. Joel Sartore

Art and endangered species: eye candy, or action?

Joel Sartore has been an explorer and photographer for National Geographic for 20 years. He captures the drama and beauty of wild animals from all corners of the earth, some of which you see here. But…
Science should help inform policy aimed at tackling issues that extend beyond electoral cycles, peak bodies for researchers said today. NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory

Government department commits to science-based policy

Two peak bodies for science researchers today welcomed the release of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s Science Strategy 2013-2018, a document that aims to ensure government policy…
Intelligence-gathering programs run by the US National Security Agency have reignited debate about email security. Stéfan

After Lavabit: a brief history of securing email, and failing at it

Last week, two secure email providers - Lavabit and Silent Circle - announced the closure of their services, citing pressures on them to reveal user information as the key reason for the decision. The…
Meat, anyone? Shutterstock

Caveman cravings? Rating the paleo diet

Over the years, hundreds of diet books have claimed to have the perfect recipe for decreasing the national girth. They manipulate quantities of protein, fats or carbohydrates and most work in the short…
Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression share common genetic variations, a new study has found. Micah Baldwin

Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression share genetic roots: study

Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression share common genetic variations, a new study has found, with researchers saying they can now calculate how much of the risk for developing such disorders…
The first televised leaders’ debate between Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott of the election campaign focused predominantly on economic issues. AAP/Alan Porritt

Leaders’ debate: experts respond

Prime minister Kevin Rudd and opposition leader Tony Abbott have faced off in the first televised leaders’ debate of the 2013 election campaign. In a debate largely framed by the economic issues, Rudd…
Fairfax CEO Greg Hywood has attacked the “hubris and triumphalism of James Packer and Lachlan Murdoch”. AAP

A premature dance on the grave of Fairfax

It was not your normal book launch. When Pamela Williams’ book Killing Fairfax: Packer, Murdoch and the Ultimate Revenge was launched in Sydney, James Packer and Lachlan Murdoch turned up to celebrate…
The new funding arrangement presumes that older people know what help they need to live in their own home for as long as possible. Vinoth Chandar

Older citizens need information to be good aged-care customers

Community-care packages have traditionally been case-managed packages of services for older people requiring residential care but wanting to stay in their home. Since July 1, all new community-care packages…
Jumping spider silk draglines join bird wings and lizard tails as stabilising features in the animal kingdom. VonShawn

How do jumping spiders make a perfect landing? Watch and learn

Jumping spiders are unique in the spider world as they don’t build webs - they’re active visual predators who rarely use silk. In fact, the main use we thought jumping spiders had for silk was a safety…
Rupert Murdoch’s Australian newspapers have already come out swinging against the current government in the early stages of the election campaign. AAP/Paul Miller

Murdoch and his influence on Australian political life

In 2007, journalist Ken Auletta spent a great deal of time with Rupert Murdoch while writing a magazine profile of him. Auletta observed that Murdoch was frequently on the phone to his editors and this…
Women retire with less super than men - but is the answer to increase it? Image sourced from

To create a fairer super system, keep gender out of it

Positive sex discrimination, if it occurs at all, tends to be implemented through recruitment quotas to senior positions or boards. Rarely does it take the form of higher remuneration. Yet, financial services…
Reserve bank governor Glenn Stevens said the bank today cut the cash rate to 2.5%, a record low. AAP Image/Paul Miller

Central bank cuts rates to record low 2.5%: the experts respond

The Reserve Bank of Australia today lowered the cash rate by 25 basis points to a record low of 2.5%, saying that while inflation had been on target, the domestic economy had been growing below trend…
The governent must reduce duplication across the various Acts governing regulation of the university sector, the report said. Theen Moy

Uni sector regulation beset by red tape: report

The higher education sector’s main regulatory body should have its functions reduced, according to a new government report that has called for a reduction in red tape for universities. The Tertiary Education…
Australia needs to stop piggy-backing on other nations and get its own space agency. NASA

Ten reasons why Australia urgently needs a space agency

There is a hole in the Australian public administration where a space agency should be. That was the clear lesson from the Australian Space Research Program (ASRP) project delivered at the end of June…
And penguins might fly: are eco-labels on seafood really all they’re cracked up to be? Flickr/Mollivan Jon

The ifs and buts of eco-labelled seafood

It’s been a long time since eco-labelled seafood first appeared on Australia’s supermarket shelves, but the “dolphin-safe” tuna we’ve had since the 1990s is about to be joined by a much larger range of…
To ease or not to ease - that is the question for US Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke. AAP

Is the United States economy on the road to recovery?

New figures released from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis show the US economy has grown by an annualised rate of 1.7% in the third quarter, modestly above expectations. The IMF’s recent annual report…


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