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UNSW Sydney

Established in 1949, UNSW Sydney is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, renowned for the quality of its graduates and its commitment to academic excellence, innovation and social impact.


Displaying 3461 - 3480 of 4177 articles

There is still scientific work to do on attributing specific events to climate change, but we know enough to make policy decisions. DeGust/Flickr

IPCC Fifth Assessment Report: more certainty, not much news

The part of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report, dealing with the physical basis of climate change, has now been released. The report - released today in Stockholm…
Mandatory condom use is a contested issue in the US porn industry. ClevelandSGS/Flickr

Safe sex vs free choice in the US porn industry

Last week, the Adult Video News (AVN) Media Network opened pre-nominations for the 2014 AVN Awards, known as the “Oscars of Adult”, and announced the inclusion of two new categories: the best safe sex…
Animals in space were precursors to astronauts, so why do we continue to launch our furry friends into orbit? Jeremy Brooks

Dogonauts and Persian cats: why send animals into space?

If you believe news reports last week, Iran plans to launch a Persian cat into space in the next six months or so. What a good idea – how about launching Australia’s whole cat population on a one-way mission…
If a comet was heading for earth, would you just go about your life? Mark Mathosian

A question of ethics: journalists and climate change

Breaking news: scientists have discovered a comet that will collide with Earth in 30 years. Its impact will be devastating, killing millions, flooding coastal cities and disrupting civilisation as we know…
Tony Abbott is seeking to define the terms in which his government will be understood by the public. AAP/Lukas Coch

Election 2013 and defining political success

Just when you thought it was safe to forget an otherwise forgettable election, there is one person who won’t let you. Tony Abbott wants to remind you in order to continue defining both the election and…
Should new prime minister Tony Abbott make his first impression on a world stage with a trip to the UN for Leaders’ Week? AAP/Andrew Gombert

New York is Jakarta: why Tony Abbott should attend Leaders’ Week at the UN

Foreign minister Julie Bishop’s austerity announcements over the weekend make it clear that she will attend Leaders’ Week at the United Nations later this month. But it is still not clear whether Australia’s…
With low solar activity, a double-dip La Nina and more particles in the air, it should be much colder than it is. Les Chatfield/Flickr

Is global warming in a hiatus?

On September 27 2013 the 5th Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will be released. One part of this report will address the so-called “warming hiatus”. This is the…
The scandal started with allegations that GlaxoSmithKline had made illegal payments to doctors and government officials. Ian Wilson

China’s pharma scandal and the ethics of the global drug market

China is in the midst of conducting a series of corruption investigations of pharmaceutical companies that have been operating in the country. It all started with the investigation of officials from pharmaceutical…
Students who have a gap year achieve more highly at university than students who enter university straight after school and mature age students, the study found. Frontierofficial

Study links a gap year to better university grades

Students who take gap years are more successful in their university studies than mature aged students or students who enter university straight from high school, according to a new study. Professorial…
Our health system is geared towards saving lives – even when the person being revived might not want to live. Julie Kertesz

How the care conveyor belt tortures people back to life

ABC’s Four Corners tonight is about a young man who has decided to end his life after 36 years of suffering a debilitating illness. But because euthanasia is illegal in Australia, he has to apply to another…
Are amendments to NSW’s planning legislation an attempt to smother public opposition to mining? Kate Ausburn

Should mines be approved on money alone?

Recently the New South Wales Department for Planning and Infrastructure proposed changes to the State Environmental Planning Policy that governs mining. This amendment will make the policy an instrument…
A proposed bill recognises a foetus of at least 20 weeks gestation as “a living person” when it comes to its harm or destruction. Leo Reynolds

Zoe’s Law: will changing foetuses’ legal status endanger abortion rights?

A proposed law being debated in the New South Wales parliament that aims to recognise the foetus as a person has sparked concerns about encroachments on women’s reproductive rights. But similar laws in…
Bad science is easy to spot; but can we tell which proposals are winners? an untrained eye

What is good science? And what gets public funding?

I’ve heard that we should stop talking about “pure” science and “applied” science; that we should only be talking about “good” science and “bad” science. Last year, CSIRO Chief Executive Megan Clark said…

Have you got the balls to be a good dad?

Dads are important. Pardon the motherhood statement about … fatherhood. Just sometimes, even self-evident things need to be said. All else being equal, fathers who are involved in their children’s upbringing…
How well-placed is Tony Abbott’s new government to tackle the economic issues facing Australia, both domestically and internationally? AAP/Rob Griffith

Tony Abbott: the situational Keynesian

Tony Abbott became prime minister on Saturday by promising to lead an adult government of competence and stability after years of Labor infighting and backflips. Policy details and bankable pledges were…
Every state and territory is different: how did they vote in Election 2013? Image from

State of the states post-election: experts respond

The Conversation asked Australia’s leading experts to profile the eight states and territories in the lead up to the election. With the result decided (albeit some details still to be ironed out), we look…
We all know what’s happened, but what happens next? Mitch Duncan/AAP

Election 2013 results and the future: experts respond

Australia has elected a Coalition government. So what will this mean for key policy areas? Our experts take a closer look at what’s in store for business, the economy, the environment, the National Broadband…
Almost two-thirds (61%) of Sydney residents have at least one parent who was born overseas. Image from

State of the states: New South Wales

STATE OF THE STATES: a snapshot of the key issues affecting each state and territory in the lead-up to Saturday’s election. Sydney is Australia’s most multicultural city. Almost two-thirds of residents…


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